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when jennie left, yeonji let out a sigh of relief.

"how can jimin date someone like her? she's such a bitch!" yeonji thought.

yeonji quickly shook her head. she walked to the classroom only to see jimin and jennie kissing each other.

her heart broke at the sight and she couldn't tear her eyes away, even if she wanted too. unknowingly, tears started to fall her face.

she cleared her throat for them to actually stop since they looked like they had no intentions to.

"y-yeonji! i-i didn't see you there!" jimin stuttered out.

"ya. you were to busy kissing her to even notice my presence didn't you?" yeonji said coldly towards jimin.

jimin gave her a questioning look. yeonji could only ignore jimin and sat in the very back of the class. not like when she sat with jimin.

"you can switch places with me jennie." yeonji informed. jennie squealed and sat down next to jimin.

the oldest looked at yeonji concerned. the said girl was looking down at her hands, fiddling her thumb around, not paying attention to her surroundings.

"yeon-" jennie quickly cut jimin of.

"baby! can we meet up after school for our date?" jennie asked to jimin.

"jimin asked jennie on a date already? great... i thought me and him could have study sessions like we used to but i guess he has other plans other than our boring study sessions..." yeonji thought in her mind.


throughout the whole day, yeonji avoided jimin even if he was her only friend in the school. yes, jimin was particularly famous as well as jennie.

everyone always talked to yeonji whenever she was hanging out with jimin but when he's not there, they ignore her presence as if she was a ghost.

"yeonji-ah! wait up!" jimin exclaimed as he catch up with yeonji, who was currently walking home.

"what do you want?" the younger mumbled.

"seriously. what is up with you today? why are you in such a bad mood? why are you ignoring me?" jimin asked.

"n-nothing. just tell me what you want. i have homework to do. alone..." yeonji mumbled the last part out.

"i need help dressing up for the date! i honestly don't know what to pick!" jimin exclaimed.

"go ask taehyung." yeonji snapped at jimin before speed walking home.

"yah! kim yeonji! yah! come-" jimin was pulled back by jennie, who was staring at him innocently.

"can we go to the date now? we don't have to change or anything like that! we look fine!" jennie said.

jimin couldn't help but coo at the innocence of jennie.

but what he didn't know, was the reason to why jennie accepted him as a boyfriend...


meanwhile, in yeonji's house, yeonji found it hard not doing homework with jimin. she was so used to having a jimin in her house while studying that she found it hard to do homework.

she slammed her pencil down as tears started to drop from her eyes.

"why couldn't you just notice me being there for you whenever you needed someone?! why can't you see that i love you?!" yeonji sobbed.

she missed jimin's presence being there to comfort her. she missed all the jokes he will say whenever they're doing homework.

now, jimin was with another girl, who is way more prettier than yeonji.


the next day at school, jimin and yeonji met up with each other in the library since jennie went to her friends.

"-and then she just started squealing when i got her teddy bear! it was honestly the cutest thing ever! i could honestly list a whole book about how cute and pretty she is!" jimin squealed like a little girl who got an ice cream.

"that- that sounds great chim. i-i think i should get to class now. you can go to jennie or something." yeonji quickly gathered her stuff and walked out of the library before jimin could protest.

jimin has noticed the very unusual behavior of yeonji when he started dating jennie. he was always wondering why yeonji was ignoring or avoiding him though. he just couldn't get why she was avoiding him.

jimin didn't do his only homework he got for science since he got home late from the date last night. so, he invited yeonji to meet him in the library to help him with the homework.


yeonji wasn't in the classroom. she was in the bathroom stall. quietly crying about jimin. she knew that it was dumb to cry over a boy who doesn't love her but she wasn't thinking about that right now.

all she was thinking about was because of jimin.

then, she heard the bathroom door opened.

"jimin is too dumb to know i'm dating him for more fame. i mean like, why would he think i am dating him for? his looks? no way. he's way too ugly for me." yeonji heard jennie say to her friends.



this is not the end of the series! i have way more parts coming up for this!

don't forget to comment, vote, and share!


(words: 855)

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