[ 16 ] PART TWO | LIES.

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Jin's POV

"Yes? What is it Taehyung?" I asked nervously, putting the speaker on.

"Jungkook... He... He's in a coma..." he answered.

"What?! H-How come?!" I exclaimed.

"His health is very low because of how long he hasn't been eating for these past few weeks... The car accident... He broke his arm... a-and-" Taehyung couldn't continue anymore due to him crying. 

"Ok, you stay there and we'll be in the hospital in 30." I quickly say and hung up.

"We need to go to the hospital... Ara... You need to explain to him why you decided to break up with him... Well, once he woke up of course... Yoongi, call a taxi. Now." I ordered him.

2 taxies came to us and we immediately came inside the taxi. I quickly said where the hospital is. Ara, Yoongi, and Namjoon are in the same taxi as me. Jimin and Hoseok were in the other taxi, following us from behind.

"Ara... Why would you think that Jungkook doesn't love you anymore again?" I asked her softly.

"It's just... he rarely takes me out on dates anymore. He never wants to cuddle with me and I feel like his 'I love you's are not sincere... I'm sorry... If I never think about-" 

"Shh~ Ara... Every couple must have fought in their relationship... Things won't go as smoothly as it is. Don't be sorry." I said.


We finally arrive at the hospital. We all rushed to the front desk and quickly ask where Jungkook is.

"Oh... He's in room 709." the nurse carelessly said. We ran to the room. One doctor was in there, checking up on Jungkook and Taehyung was sitting on the couch.

"Oh? Are you a family?" he asked. I was about to say we were friends but Ara said something different.

"I'm his girlfriend," Ara stated. The doctor nodded.

"Well, it looks like he won't wake up for 3 weeks. His coma is quite severe. Do any of you know why he hasn't been eating lately?" the doctor asked. I saw guilt in Ara's eyes.

"I-I do... He hasn't been eating lately because of me... The problem is too personal so I can't really talk about it... Sorry..." Ara said.

"Well... I mean, the past is in the past and we don't want you to be guilty anymore... Well, I'm going to leave and if anything happens, press the bell." the doctor informed and left.

Ara's POV

I cried looking at Jungkook. It was all my fault that he became like this. If I have never thought about this, none of this will have ever happen.

Jungkook won't be in the hospital but at home, cuddling with me while watching movies.

I heard the door close, meaning that the other has left the room, leaving me and Jungkook alone. I sat next to his bed, holding his hand.

"J-Jungkook... I'm sorry! I'm sorry that I have caused you to become like this! I'm sorry that I didn't have faith in our relationship before! I'm sorry!" I cried. I squeezed his hand tightly.

"Ara?" Taehyung called out. I looked back and saw him sitting on the couch.

"Y-Yes?" I choked out. He came to me and hugged me. I wrapped my arm around his waist and cried into his chest.

"Shh~ Ara... He'll be fine. He's a strong man. He can make out of this Ara." Taehyung stated.

"T-Taehyung... I'm very sorry... I m-made Jungkook like t-this... I d-didn't know this can h-happen to-" Taehyung cut me off.

"Stop saying you're sorry Ara. I know what you did was out of hand but he will always forgive you. He loves you so much, Ara. He'll forgive you. I promise you." Taehyung said. I nodded my head.

*1 week later*

I visited Jungkook almost every day. I kept on praying for him to wake up faster than expected. Usually, Jimin or Taehyung comes with me to visit Jungkook but more often, it's only me.

All of BTS' future events were canceled. Jungkook was the main vocalist which made it harder for BTS. No one could replace Jungkook which is hard. 

"Jungkook-ah... It's me again, Ara. I know I've said this many times but I am very sorry. I didn't know you had a hard time with BTS. I didn't know that you had to work hard every day. I didn't know that you were very tired... I-" 


Jungkook's hand moved a little underneath mine...

My eyes widened. I quickly pressed the bell for the nurse to come in. Soon, a nurse came.

"Ma'am... I need you to wait outside." the nurse said as a doctor came in out of nowhere. I nodded my head frantically. I was scared of what will happen to Jungkook but also happy if he woke up.

Soon, the doctor came out with a smile on his face.

"Seems like Jungkook has woken up 2 weeks before his estimated date. You may go see him now. His condition is fine." the doctor said and left. I slowly pushed the door and there laid Jungkook with his eyes closed.

"K-Kookie?" I called out. His eyes shot open. His eyes met mine and instantly he spoke.

"A-Ara... I'm very sorry for what I did. I didn't- I wanted to-" I cut him off by coming near him.

"Jungkook... It's my fault. I was thinking that you didn't love me anymore... I thought that by not taking me out on dates for a long time already meant that you don't love me anymore... I'm very sorry Kookie..." I apologized.

"No, no! I am very sorry! I didn't know that I was hurting you! I should've spent more time with you!" Jungkook exclaimed quietly. I shook my head quickly.

"Kook... I am supposed to be the one sorry! I am supposed to understand your busy schedules! I'm sorry Kookie..." I said. He sighed in defeat.

"Fine... But please, tell me why you decided to think that I am lying to you! Please... I'll change for you..." Jungkook asked.

"W-Well... I thought that by all the 'I love you's you have said to me were fake. You rarely take me out on dates anymore... I'm sorry for judging you... I love you Kookie..." I confessed. A smile appeared on his face.

"I love you too Ara," he said.



This is the end of the Lies series! I hope the ending isn't too bad though... If I have spelling mistakes, please tell me. Kindly.

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(words: 1094)

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