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it's been weeks since taehyung confessed to jungkook.

taehyung was very hesitant to go to school.

he doesn't want to meet jungkook.

he wants to avoid everyone.

he doesn't want to talk to jungkook.

he can't even look at the boy straight in the eyes.

taehyung didn't like facing people when he's embarrassed. he didn't like it one bit. he hated it, even if it was jungkook.

"hey, taehyung." jimin greeted. taehyung flinched and immediately relaxed as he saw that it was just jimin.

"o-oh. hi, chim. what brings you here?" taehyung asks.

jimin sighs, "it's just jungkook... he's been stressing out for god knows what. i don't even— i'm not close to him so i don't know him that well! oh, wait a minute... you are! what about you talk to jungkook?"

taehyung gulped, "i don't think—"

"you should! he looks like he was about to faint before that i had to take him to the nurse's office! please help me~" jimin whined, giving taehyung the puppy dog eyes while pouting; something taehyung could not resist.

the younger groaned, "fine! but you owe me lunch."

jimin clapped his hands together and nodded furiously, "now go speak to him! i'm kind of worried about him."

taehyung saluted teasingly and started wal2king to where he thinks jungkook is.

he's scared.

taehyung was afraid of facing jungkook, even if it has been a few weeks since he confessed.

he didn't want jungkook to reject him.

but he knows that he can't control jungkook's feelings.

"j-jungkook? are you in here?" taehyung peeked through the door. he saw jungkook sitting in the art room, staring blankly at a canvas

jungkook looked up and was surprised to see taehyung, "t-taehyung! what b-brings you here?"

"o-oh, jimin sent me... he wants me t-to talk to you b-because you looked so stressed lately..." taehyung mumbles. jeongguk let out a breathy laugh as he fixes his gaze back to the canvas.

"i'm not stressed. i guess i'm just so confused that i make everything a problem." jungkook says weakly.

what is wrong with him? why does he sound so weak? taehyung thinks to himself.

"a-are you okay? why do you sound so weak?" taehyung asks hesitantly.

"oh. i haven't been sleeping well these past few days. it's like a habit now, not sleeping regularly." jungkook answers calmly.

"b-but you usually sleep very well! what's wrong with you?" taehyung asks once again.

"maybe it's the fact that i've fallen in love with you."

taehyung was immediately quiet after that. he couldn't believe his ears. jungkook was in love with him?

"yeah. i've fallen in love with you. hard. i know it's been a long time since you've confessed but i was so caught up with trying to say that i love you a special way that i actually forgot to say it to you. i've been so stressed lately because i wanted to confess to you in a romantic way." jungkook shyly says.

taehyung blushes, "o-oh... you made me worried! i thought you would hate me forever! you didn't even try to talk to me even once!"

"well, that was because you've been avoiding me."

taehyung's cheeks turned a deeper shade of red which resulted in him looking like a tomato.

"i love you, taehyung. i'm sorry for saying it so late." jeongguk says as he steps closer to taehyung, taking the older's hands in his.

"and i still am in love with you. so i will say i love you too." taehyung says with a huge smile on his face.

a/n: im sorry for such a bad ending for this imagine. i have so many things in school that i dont know if i have time to update this book... i can update "confess" because i have those chapters finished. maybe ill try and update this book once in a while.

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