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the second day of the road trip, they decided to go to the beach and go diving. of course, all of them were excited except taehyung. he wasn't ready for the judging looks his friends will give him when they see his body.

even if he knew they loved him so much, taehyung still thinks his body was not worth seeing.

"tae! are you going in the water?!" hoseok asked. taehyung quickly shook his head.

"no thanks! i'll just... sit here and watch!" taehyung replied. jungkook looked at taehyung worryingly.

"i-i changed my mind! i'm just going to rest with taehyung there!" jungkook exclaimed to the others, who didn't bother listening to him.

jungkook walked towards taehyung was looking down onto his hands, fiddling around with his fingers. 

jungkook sat down next to taehyung, who immediately straightened up, stopped fiddling with his fingers, and smiled.

"what's wrong? you always agreed on going inside the water with us." jungkook asked.

"a-ah... nothing's wrong. i-i just don't feel like swimming t-today... ya..." taehyung answered.

though jungkook knew he was lying, he wouldn't bombard taehyung with many questions, but just lay down on the towel laid on the sand.

"w-why aren't you in the water?" taehyung asked.

"i'm not feeling like it."


"i don't know. i just don't"

they both stayed quiet after that. taehyung not wanting to be awkward with jungkook, he stood up and started to walk around the beach.

jungkook didn't notice as he was closing his eyes.

as taehyung was walking, bad thoughts came to his mind from a long time ago.

look at that fat, ugly hoe!

geez fatty, didn't know you liked exercise!




piece of shit


gay loser

tears started brimming in his eyes. taehyung hadn't got over the bullying he got when he went to school.

taehyung had experienced bullying since he started high school. he was lonely all the time until he met his 6 other friends he was with now.

people knew him as a gay loser and that was his title. even if his 5 other friends, (excluding hoseok because he is straight) were gay, people didn't know them like that.

as taehyung was deep in his thoughts, a voice called out to him.

"taehyung watch out!" the voice exclaimed but, taehyung was too late. he got hit by a volleyball.

his head was spinning and ringings were heard in his ears.

"tae... tae... stay with me... don't lose-" the rest of the sentence were unheard as he passed out.



who do you guys think called out to taehyung? was it jungkook? hoseok? yoongi? jimin? namjoon? jin? or someone from school?

update: im actually cringing right now sksk. i cant believe im writing like this omg

don't forget to comment, vote, and share!


(words: 469)

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