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jin, yoongi, hoseok, namjoon, jimin, taehyung, and jungkook decided to go on a road trip for once in their life. going to the place by car, they had a ton of fun.

"hey! hyunggg! jimin took my potato chips!" taehyung whined to jin, who was currently driving insane by the loudness in the car.

"jimin. give the potato chips to taehyung. now." jin glared at jimin who quickly gave the chips to taehyung.

the younger immediately smiled at jimin.

jungkook who was looking at taehyung smiling, felt his heart flutter. he knew he had a crush on taehyung for a very long time and it was quite bad.

why it's bad? because he knew that taehyung was straight for sure... right?

on the other hand, taehyung was nervously eating his chips, sitting beside jungkook. he was scared that he'll get made fun of by the way he eats.

taehyung was always insecure about himself. he's always worrying if he looks ugly or not, if he has a bad hairstyle, etc. taehyung thinks himself as an ugly person.

of course, in jungkook's eyes, taehyung is a beautiful human being. jungkook thinks that taehyung was an angel sent from heaven. but then again, he has met taehyung's mom so his imagination isn't real.

"hey tae? c-could you help me open this?" jungkook asked taehyung softly. the older stopped munching and looked at jungkook. the younger laughed as taehyung looked like a chipmunk.

taehyung immediately snapped out his daze and helped jungkook open the can. jungkook muttered out a small thanks to taehyung and drank the soda in one go.


around 5 hours later, they finally arrived. the house was huge and has a swimming pool, gym, and cinema room.

"woah... this is huge! who rented this?" hoseok asked and jin raised his hand up. hoseok ran to jin and hugged him tightly.

"thank you! you're the best hyung!" hoseok exclaimed and ran inside the house, wanting the biggest bedroom.

"yah! get back here! we need to know who sleeps with-" jin got cut off by namjoon.

"we all know who we want to sleep with anyways..." namjoon said.

"i'm with yoongi-hyung!" jimin exclaimed and hugged yoongi's right arm tightly. yoongi wasn't bothered one bit if it was jimin.

"i'm with jungkookie!" taehyung exclaimed and hugged jungkook's whole body. which caused the younger to blush.

"and i'm with jin-hyung." namjoon said monotonously.

"and why am i always alone?" hoseok whined and the others laughed.


once they all decided on which room they will each get, they decided to unpack.

"hey kookie? do you want to go swimming with me?" taehyung asked. 

"right now? it's like... 8:00 already... do you just want to go tomorrow?" jungkook suggested lazily.

"ah... yeah. it's fine..." taehyung muttered.

taehyung only asked jungkook to go swimming with him because he wanted to spend time with jungkook outside the house.

but then again, taehyung won't be able to swim without his shirt off. he can't let jungkook see how fat he is. ever.

saying that taehyung was just insecure is an understatement. he is very insecure. everything he sees about himself seems ugly or bad. he sees himself as the person that nobody would date.

"hyung? hey? you ok?" jungkook suddenly asked.

"w-what? yes. i'm fine! totally! why?" taehyung asked nervously.

"you looked quite sad... anything wrong?" jungkook asked. taehyung quickly shook his head as an answer.

this will be one long heck of a road trip...



hope you guys liked this imagine! this one will probably have more than 5 parts XD because i have a nice plot... i think... yep!

don't forget to comment, vote, and share!


(words: 615)

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