[ 57 ] PART TWO | "IT'S OKAY"

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as soon as taehyung left, jungkook sighed deeply. he knew that taehyung's answer was a lie but he can't do anything to change it. taehyung's stubborn as fuck and everyone knows it.

jungkook's worried though. he saw how weak taehyung is by the look in his eyes and he can't just tell taehyung that he should stay home because... taehyung might scream, "you're not my boyfriend anymore! why would you care?!"

ok, maybe jungkook still have feelings for taehyung but he's with jimin now. he loves jimin and he's committed his love for him already.

jungkook even promised jimin that he'll marry him in the future.

jungkook has promised many things for jimin; which includes no secrets, marrying each other in the future, has to be truthful to one another, and others.

the thing is, both jungkook and jimin doesn't know is that taehyung was there when jungkook promised jimin that he'll marry him. taehyung wasn't sure that jungkook actually wanted to marry jimin so he needed to talk to jungkook.

and that's what he did yesterday.

back to reality, jungkook walked to the minivan and the only place he could sit on was next to taehyung. jimin mouthed a 'sorry' to jungkook when the younger noticed jimin in between yoongi and hoseok.

jungkook gave a small smile to jimin and hesitantly sat next to taehyung, who stiffen when he felt jungkook's presence.

taehyung scooted farther from jungkook and squeezed himself so that he's facing the window. jungkook took notice with that and sighed un-audibly.

taehyung's arms were sprawled on his thighs and he was wearing short sleeves; which means his arms will be shown and his cuts can be shown.

jungkook stared at taehyung until his eyes landed on the older's arms.

jungkook's eyes widened and he yelled, "taehyung! what the fuck are these?!"

the older jumped at the sudden yell jungkook created and was quick to retract his arms, "w-what do you mean? i-i have nothing on my arms..."

the rest of the members were looking towards their direction. taehyung was shaking and tried to tell jungkook that everything was fine but the boy was quick to respond.

"answer me right now kim taehyung." jungkook said sternly.

taheyung gulped, "why would you care?! you're not my boyfriend anymore! if you did care for me, that wouldn't have happened!"

jungkook was now glaring at taehyung and said, "fine. be that way. i wanted to help you but i guess you don't need any because you have other men to help you anyways."

taehyung's eyes started to water and his heart is breaking. namjoon was quick to realize that taehyung was going to cry so he said, "go, taehyung. you can leave."

taehyung let out a sob and walked out of the car. jin turned towards jungkook who just rolled his eyes in annoyance and said, "jungkook you can't say that to taehyung. you know how sensitive he is with words. he can't tell you things easily after the break up you two had. he's been... different ever since that."

jungkook scoffed not even thinking what he was going to say,

"i don't love him anymore. he's no one to me and i'll acknowledge him as a stranger from now on. i don't care if he's hurt. i don't care if he needs someone with him. i love jimin and that's final."

jin gasped loudly while the other members had their eyes wide open. jungkook wasn't thinking straight and isn't himself right now.

"jeon jungkook! you can't say those things! taehyung has a thing called feelings too you know! he has fucking feelings and he's sensitive. he's your hyung and our younger brother! go apologies to him. now." by now, the driver has stopped the car not too far from their dorm. jungkook groaned and got off the car and started walking to the dorm.

on the way there, he started to recap everything he has said and immediately gasped to himself. jungkook lightly hit his head and muttered a quiet "stupid" and started to run towards the dorm.

once he arrived, he slowly opened the door. everything was dark and the only source of light was from taehyung's room.

jungkook sighed and slowly made his way to taehyung's room. he heard sobs coming out of from the older's room.

jungkook sighed and slowly opened the door to reveal taehyung...

sobbing endlessly and curled up in bed, clutching his heart.



i changed my writing style for the AOD if y'all didn't notice

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(words: 764)

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