[ 74 ] ANGEL.

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"please be safe, tae. i don't want you to get hurt." jungkook says and taehyung giggles.

"i'm going to be fine, kookie. i'm going to do everything well and make sure to come back home to you safely." taehyung says reassuringly. jungkook smiles.

"don't fall in love with another person! remember me always!" jungkook yells and taehyung waves his hand, the portal taking him to earth.

taehyung steps out of the portal, looking around at such a beautiful place.

"woah~ this is a beautiful place! me and kookoo must go here together some day!" taehyung giggles to himself.

as he was walking, he bumped into another person; a certain red-haired boy with a shining (technically not but you know) face.

"i'm so sorry!" hoseok says apologizing very quickly. taehyung brushed the dirt off his pants.

"it's totally fine! i'm taehyung, by the way. what's your name?" taehyung asked.

"hoseok. jung hoseok." he smiles.

it's been three weeks since taehyung has been living on earth and to say he forgot his own home was... true. he forgot about everything; his friends, boyfriend, and mission.

yeah. mission.

the mission was to make sure he gets hoseok to fall in love with yoongi, his best friend who has loved him since forever.

but as taehyung hangs out with hoseok more, it seems like taehyung and hoseok are the ones falling in love with each other.

but back to present time, taehyung was watching the tv while hoseok was preparing dinner. hoseok then walks up to taehyung, sitting right next to him.

"tae, can i tell you something?" the boy nods, quickly averting his gaze to hoseok, "i'm in love with you."

taehyung's eyes widened, his heart beating fast. he knew he was supposed to say no but... his mind says otherwise.

"y-you do? o-oh my god... i love you too!" taehyung squeals and wraps his arms around hoseok, kissing him tenderly.

but back in taehyung's original home, jungkook looks at the magic ball with tears in his eyes, "tae?"

again, it has now been six weeks since hoseok asked taehyung out and taehyung... he has been so happy he forgot he has to come back home today to report his progress.

seokjin, his brother, had to call him to bring him home.

"taehyung! i swear to god... what the fucking hell is taking you so long to go back home?! we need you to report your mission quickly!" seokjin yells through the phone, making taehyung gulp.

"i-i'll be there s-soon." taehyung stutters and ends the call. he completely forgot about him hometown and jungkook because of how much fun he's having.

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