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note: i didn't use yeontan's name because that will be very cruel of me :(

"you're the prettiest boy i have ever met, gguk." lies.

"i will never leave you." LIES.

everything taehyung said was basically a lie. jeongguk doesn't know why he even trusts taehyung so much. ever since he met taehyung, jeongguk felt like they were meant to be, and that they were destined to meet.

but ever since this stupid argument over a misunderstanding, taehyung doesn't even treat jeongguk like his lover. jeongguk was now just a stranger to him. maybe jeongguk was wrong for accusing taehyung of cheating, but why would taehyung go and blame jeongguk for the death of his dog?

jeongguk was in taehyung's house when they found fluffy dead in his home. of course, jeongguk wasn't there right when he died, but taehyung accused him because no one else was there except the two of them.

so now, jeongguk lays in bed, taehyung out with some boy. honestly, jeongguk just wants to turn back time to the time he accused taehyung of cheating on him, but there was no chance. taehyung was now gone from his life, and he can't do anything except to accept the fact that the boy was now gone.

taehyung's stuff was still in jeongguk's home, and jeongguk knew that taehyung wasn't going to come back anytime.

so, jeongguk stood up from his bed and took out a small box from under the closet and started packing taehyung's stuff to send back to him. everything that belongs to taehyung brought back different memories to jeongguk.

from the time they first met until now. jeongguk just wants taehyung to understand what he is feeling, but the boy wouldn't listen anymore. once he stepped out of the house, taehyung swore to never come back anymore.

as jeongguk was packing taehyung's clothes, tears fell from his eyes, not able to control his tears. he feels so hurt and alone. he needs taehyung's presence and touch, but he's no longer here. jeongguk originally wanted the delivery man to deliver the clothes to taehyung, but jeongguk realizes that this was probably the last time he's going to see taehyung and talk to him, so he took the risk.

taehyung's house wasn't too far from his, so it didn't take long for him to arrive in taehyung's home. when he arrives, the place was still the same, but there were new plants scattered around the house.

"taehyungie must've planted these with his new boyfriend." jeongguk thought to himself bitterly. he walks up to the front door and was about to knock when the door opens, revealing taehyung holding flowers in his hands.

jeongguk's favorite flowers.

"oh-" taehyung says, surprised. "w-what are you doing here?"

"u-uhm," jeongguk stuttered, before giving taehyung the box. "i-i just want to return y-your clothes. there were still s-some left in my house so i decided to give th-them back to you."

taehyung did not take the box from jeongguk's hand. instead, he pushed the box to jeongguk, along with the flower.

"i-i wanted to go to your house before," taehyung started. "i wanted to apologize for everything. it was really rude of me to accuse you of the reason why fluffy died. i went to the vet to check why he died and turns out it's because he was sick. i-i'm really sorry, gguk."

"o-oh," jeongguk spoke. "i-it's okay, really! b-but I'm sorry for accusing you of cheating. b-but i don't know who that guy was. p-please tell me the truth?"

"he was my cousin, gguk." taehyung answered, and jeongguk blushed with embarrassment.

"wh-why didn't you tell me that! i would've been okay with it!" jeongguk whines, setting the box down. taehyung laughs.

"obviously. you were too angry at me that you wouldn't listen to me," taehyung says, taking jeongguk's hand in his. "but you promise to never accuse me of cheating again? you know i would never do that to you."

"mhm!" jeongguk nods in excitement. "d-does that mean we're back together now?"

taehyung nods. "i'll never leave you, okay? i'll never do that ever again."

note: this oneshot is really weird, honestly. but i feel kind of proud? hope you like it :)

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