[ 98 ] DOGGY.

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yoongi has always been someone who always gets what he wants. yeah, some people would call him spoiled, but it's all because he does hard work. he makes sure he knows he's good enough to get the thing he wants. jimin, his boyfriend, has always loved yoongi for being so hardworking, yet it makes him really concerned for his well-being. yoongi has always been so busy with working that it makes jimin really sad.

"yoongi, baby," jimin called out to yoongi, who was in his room. "can you stop working for a while? you haven't been paying attention to me."

"sorry, jimin," yoongi sighs, as he didn't look up from his paperwork. "i need to finish this paper. my mom said she'll get me the dog i want once she's proud with my paper."

jimin sighs, again. "i'll let you get the dog, yoongi. i can pay for it. i know you've been wanting that dog for months, but you can't just depend on her until you grow older. you have me to help you. i can buy you that dog without any hard work applied. you've done great, yoongi."

the younger steps closer to yoongi, hugging him from the behind. yoongi's eyes had teared up a bit, grabbing onto jimin's smaller hands. "y-you'll buy me that dog i've always wanted? a-are you sure?"

jimin nodded. "of course, and we'll go today! it's a free day, anyway!"

yoongi nodded happily. "let's go!"


they arrived in the pet store really fast, since yoongi was really excited. there were a lot of different types of dogs there, but yoongi went straight for the toy red poodle that was at the corner.

"jiminie!" yoongi squealed. "this is the one!"

jimin cooed at the sight of yoongi smiling widely at the small dog. it was really happy to see yoongi, too, somehow.

the worker, who was used to seeing yoongi every day, smiled at jimin. "is he finally buying him?"

jimin nodded, looking back at yoongi. "i'm buying it for him."

"that's good!" the worker says, enthusiastically. "he's been coming here everyday and when he couldn't for a day, he'll stay here longer the next day."

"yeah," jimin says. "i know."


as yoongi was filling out the form, jimin looked at him with happy eyes; yoongi looked so happy, finally being able to bring the little dog home.

"okay," the worker said. "that's it! thank you for buying her!"

yoongi nodded. "you're welcome! i promise to treat her well!"

as yoongi carried the little pup outside, jimin stared at yoongi, who was smiling at the puppy.

"are you happy?" jimin asks, making yoongi nod.

"of course!" yoongi exclaimed. "she's been the cutest thing i've seen in my whole life!"

jimin dramatically gasped. "so i'm not?"

yoongi scoffed and rolled his eyes. "you're the second."

as they continue to playfully bicker throughout the whole way home, they didn't notice how the puppy fell asleep so fast in yoongi's arm.

but they did know, that it was going to be a good day today.


a/n: this is really shitty im so sorry

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