[ 106 ] FEBRUARY 14TH.

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taehyung has always been the lonely guy during valentines. he has never gotten a flower or a card during valentines, and he honestly blamed his looks. no, he was not blaming his parents for giving him such an ugly face, but maybe... he just blamed himself for not taking care of his face well. his parents have always made taehyung buy skincare so that he can be prepared for pimples, but a thirteen-year-old taehyung thinks that skincare is too much work and didn't buy it. so here we are, we a pimple-faced taehyung roaming through the school surrounded with couples and new couples.

honestly, he was getting sick of seeing couples everywhere (mainly because's he's jealous of their relationship and wants their love, too). all taehyung wants on valentines day is a fucking flower, is that too much to ask? apparently it is because he never gets one anyway.

on the other hand, the jock, jeon jeongguk, has been getting twice as many flowers as he did last year. he's been bombarded with girls every time he walks, and all he can do is smile and thank them for the flowers. of course, being the kind-hearted angel he is, he kindly rejects their offer of being their boyfriend. doesn't everyone in this school know that he's gay? apparently, the straight girls think that by showing off their charm, jeongguk would just magically turn straight. honestly, he's getting disgusted seeing their faces every day.

all jeongguk wants to do is give a flower to kim taehyung. that's right, kim taehyung. jeongguk has had a crush on that boy for god knows how long. taehyung has always been a mystery to jeongguk since he has never really talked with that boy. jeongguk has always dreamt of what it would be like dating that boy, but of course, being the shy boy he is, he has never once tried to approach taehyung. he so badly wants to kiss and hug the boy, but jeongguk was just too shy.

maybe this valentines will change their lives forever.


taehyung woke up feeling like absolute shit. he knew it was already valentines day, and he feels shittier. he just wants to spend a valentines day at home, but school says otherwise. taehyung slowly rises from his bed and went to his bathroom.


when taehyung arrives in school, the place was covered in valentines decoration. taehyung was getting sick. honestly, can't taehyung just have a normal valentines day where no one is around him, dating? maybe cupid just thinks taehyung isn't good enough? or maybe no one found taehyung attractive.

what taehyung doesn't understand, is why the jock, jeon jeongguk, doesn't have anyone to spend his valentines with. from what taehyung understands, jeongguk is a really famous boy, and he possibly has a huge crush on the jock.

honestly, taehyung doesn't even hope for jeongguk to like him back. he just wants jeongguk to know he exists.

as he was walking down the halls with his head down, he accidentally bumps into someone, falling forwards, falling onto the person's chest.

"i am so sorry-" taehyung doesn't get to finish his sentence when he looks up.

because he has just fallen on top of jeon jeongguk

"oh my god!" taehyung shrieked and immediately stands up. "i am so sorry! i wasn't looking where i was going. it's my fault, i'm super sorry-"

"no, no, it's fine! honestly," jeongguk says, standing up, rubbing the back of his neck (something he usually does when he's shy or nervous). "i'm not hurt- ow!"

taehyung immediately ran towards him, inspecting jeongguk's injured wrist. "d-does it hurt a lot?"

"uhm- not much, honestly. i would probably have to sit this practice." jeongguk replies.

"oh no... i'm really sorry! can i bring you to the nurse's office?" taehyung asks but didn't even wait for a reply from jeongguk since he started dragging the boy.

when they arrived in the nurse's office, the nurse applied some cream on jeongguk's wrist. "make sure to not move your wrist a lot, okay? it'll help reduce the swelling."

"thank you." jeongguk replies softly, and taehyung can't help but smile fondly at him. he doesn't realize he was staring when jeongguk looks at him. taehyung immediately looks away, a deep blush on his face.

"we can go b-back to class if you want." taehyung says, the blush still on his face.

"uhm, tae?" jeongguk starts. "...happy valentines day."

taehyung blushed even deeper at that comment.


throughout the whole school day, taehyung couldn't get the interaction with jeongguk out of his head. honestly, he thought that today will be a shitty day for valentines, but ever since jeongguk started talking with him, he feels happy.

when he was about to leave, he felt a tap on his shoulder. when he turned around, he was face to face with jeongguk, whop was holding flowers.

"hi." jeongguk says, a soft blush on his face. taehyung looks at jeongguk and then the flowers in his hands.

"wh-what is this for?" taehyung asks, pointing to the flowers.

"oh-" jeongguk says before handing them to taehyung. "for you."


"i-uhm," jeongguk took a deep breath. "i-i have liked you for so long already. i liked you since you first came to school. i have never tried approaching you because i was too shy to do so. n-now i'm doing this because i felt like i had to let my feelings out and stop keeping them bottled up in my heart. it's okay if you don't like me back! j-just accept these flowers, please?"

"jeongguk..." taehyung muttered, before smiling. "i like you too."

note: this is the end :) imagine the rest of the oneshot by yourself :)

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