[ 80 ] CAMPING.

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the start of bon voyage was something jeongguk and the other members have been waiting. they could not wait to start camping once again and live like normal people. they have been waiting for this particular one because this was going to be a fun camping; they were going to sleep in those camping vehicles and there were bunkbeds.

jeongguk wanted to sleep with taehyung. he wanted to be able to hug him and kiss him, but the staff wouldn't allow him. they said that it was too risky and that they might get caught by ARMYs. but both taehyung and jeongguk know that even if they were exposed, ARMYs will support their relationship no matter what.

"taehyungie," jeongguk called out once the cameras turned off. "i wanna sleep with you so badly~"

taehyung laughed at jeongguk's childish whining. "you know how much i also wanna sleep with you, gguk. but the staff says that it might be too obvious and that we might get caught—"

"i-i know that!" jeongguk exclaims. "b-but i can't sleep well without you... you know how much i sleep well with you beside me..."

taehyung sighs. "let's just talk to the staff tonight, okay? we have some filming to do and we have around... twelve more minutes till shooting starts again."

jeongguk pouted and faced away from taehyung. "'m not going to talk to you for the rest of the time. you're a mean person!"

taehyung knew he was only joking, but the fact that jeongguk seem like he actually meant it hurts. he left jeongguk alone and joined the others that were outside. jeongguk pouted when taehyung left him; he thought he was a bit too mean to taehyung that he decided to leave.

jeongguk stepped outside and sighed. "why do i seem to always make people leave?"

"okay, boys!" the director called out. "that's it for today! go and get some rest for today. we have some more filming to do tomorrow."

all six boys cheered happily, while one only sat in silence. jeongguk could only stare blankly at the chair next to him as he feels the others disappearing. jeongguk didn't want to leave to his bed because he knew that it can only make things worse with taehyung as they were in the same van.

"gguk," jimin calls, making jeongguk snap out of his daze. "you coming in or not? we're going to lock the door now."

"leave the key with me. i'll remember to lock it when i get inside." jeongguk says. jimin obeyed and left the key beside jeongguk. jimin then left to go inside the van. the youngest sighed and fixes his gaze ob the night sky.

jeongguk knew it was going to rain soon but—

"oh, great. it rained." jeongguk mutters but made no move to get away from the rain. he knew he was going to get sick but he didn't care; he was willing enough to do anything to get rid of the sorrow he's feeling.

but what he did not know, was that taehyung was watching every single move of jeongguk from inside the vehicle. he instantly brought out an umbrella outside and quickly covered jeongguk.

"oh, the rain stopped where i'm sitting. how fabulous." jeongguk says emotionless.

"come on, gguk. let's get inside before you get sick." taehyung's deep voice says.

"oh my... god is talking to me," jeongguk says, which made taehyung giggle. "i just heard god giggle. oh my god. am i in heaven?"

"no, koo, you're on earth. we're still on earth." taehyung says through giggles and jeongguk turned around, face red with embarrassment.

"wh-why are you here?" jeongguk asks as he covers his cheeks. taehyung soon uncovered jeongguk's face with his free hand before crouching down.

"because i'm worried about you," taehyung says softly. "you looked like you were gonna get sick so i'm out here."

jeongguk hums. "i'm not sleepy yet. you should go to sleep now, hyung. i don't want you to be sick."

"and i don't want you to be sick as well," taehyung huffs. "now get inside before i drag you."

jeongguk puts his hand up in surrender, grabbing taehyung's hand who was going to lead him inside the van. "a-are you sure about this? didn't you say that the staff wouldn't let us—"

"i don't care about them right now," taehyung says as he turns around and locks the door to the van. "i care about your health and happiness, baby. now, we should go sleep since there's a full day ahead of us tomorrow."

jeongguk smiles and complies, laying down on the bed with taehyung hugging him from behind.

a/n: this was one of my favorite taegguk moments in bon voyage like literally, i just become so soft when i see that video again uwu

these are the gifs and pictures from bon voyage for evidence sksksj:

these are the gifs and pictures from bon voyage for evidence sksksj:

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