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owner! namjoon
hybrid dog! seokjin

"seokjin hyung! do you wanna go somewhere today?" namjoon called out as soon as he finished showering. seokjin came running to him with his tail wagging.

"yes! let's go to the park! or, we can go to the mall and buy clothes! what should we do today?" seokjin blabbered and namjoon laughed, quickly petting seokjin's head.

"let's go to the mall and hang out there. we can go buy new clothes too." namjoon says and seokjin's tail started wiggling faster.

"yeay! i'm going to go get ready now! wait for me!" seokjin says and ran up the stairs to his bedroom (which he shares with namjoon as well).

namjoon chuckled as he shook his head. he plopped down on the couch and waited until seokjin finished getting ready.


after twenty minutes past, seokjin finally came out of the room with namjoon's hoodie and sweatpants.

"what took you so long?" namjoon asks as soon as he sees seokjin's clothing.

"i didn't know what to wear. so i took your clothing instead." seokjin smiles.

"but you're always so fashionable?" namjoon asks and seokjin nodded with a smile.

"i always do. but right now, i wanna be comfortable. going to the mall does require fashion but i'm currently too lazy to pick the nice outfits." seokjin answers. namjoon nodded and took seokjin's hand in his.

"let's go." namjoon concluded and lead both of them to the car where they sang songs loudly; they were saying the wrong lyrics anyway.


they soon arrived at the shopping mall. seokjin started wiggling in excitement as he exits out of the car.

"joonie! let's go to the clothing store! we can buy more clothes! we can get matching shirts to show we're a couple or something like that!" seokjin exclaims.

namjoon laughs. "but baby, you're already wearing my clothing. don't you think we're already obvious? i mean, people don't look at my wardrobe except you but still, we already look like a couple from the way we act."

seokjin pouted. "b-but i wanna actually have my own clothes that we can match up with!"

namjoon sighed and rubbed two fingers on the bridge of his nose. "fine. but we're going to only buy one only, okay?"


they ended up buying around... fifteen matching shirts. seokjin kept complaining that one wasn't enough. so he insisted on buying one more. that lead to two more. then three. then four. and so on.

namjoon was about to pass out from how much cash he spent today but he was kind of okay with it since his parents were rich.

"joonie, i'm sorry... i didn't mean to spend so much today..." seokjin pouted. namjoon sighed.

"jinnie... i told you that we can only buy one clothes but you bought more than enough, jin." namjoon says.

seokjin flinched when namjoon called him 'jin' at the end of the sentence. namjoon rarely calls seokjin 'jin'. he always calls him 'jinnie' or not 'seokjinnie'.

"i-i'm sorry! i swear i won't do this again! just forgive me, please..." seokjin whimpered.

"jinnie, i forgave you a long time already... i just wish you can just chill on the clothes for a while? you can always borrow mine if you want." namjoon says softly.

seokjin smiles. "okay..."

a/n: im so sorry for not updating in a long time! ive been caught up with the other books that i forgot about this one! since this 'series' is done, ill be continuing the ones i havent finished like 'confession' and 'it's ok'

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