[ 8 ] UNO GAME.

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ara's POV

taehyung and i decided to play the game UNO with the rest of his bandmates. they knew perfectly well that me and him didn't understand the rules of UNO but they still insist on playing it. jungkook said he will teach us but i doubt he will.

"taehyung! ara! come down! we're starting the game!" seokjin shouted. taehyung and I ran down to the living room, finding all of the rest of BTS sitting down on the carpet.

"okay! let me explain the rules since i knew jungkook wouldn't do it properly." jimin started, glaring at the youngest who is laughing. "first of all, i am distributing 8 cards to each player. once i do that, i'll grab one card from the extra pile and we start the game. we haven't arranged the order yet so don't worry. you have to at least have the same number or color as the card on the top of the piles. got it?" jimin explained. i was still a bit confused but taehyung understood immediately. 

"but-" i got cut off by yoongi.

"no buts! you already understand the rules. let's get going!" yoongi exclaimed. great. i didn't really understand the rules and they already started the game.

"okay! we're going from youngest to oldest, okay?" jungkook suggested. seokjin was about to protest but jungkook shushed him.

the first card that jimin drew was the number 7 with a yellow background. was i supposed to draw the same thing?

"i-i still don't understand what we're supposed to do?" i said. they all sighed.

"do you have a number 7 in your deck?" namjoon asked. i shook my head.

"do you have any cards with a yellow background?" he asked again. i nod my head a 'yes'.

"you may draw that one you know. you have to at least have the same number or color." hoseok explained. now i understood the rules!

we kept on playing until i was the first one to win.

"hah! i won! taehyung! you owe me 10 bucks!" i exclaimed, jumping up and down. he groaned and gave it to me.

"hehe... thank you! i love you!" i said as i pecked his lips. he immediately blushed at my actions. the others groaned.

"did you seriously have to do that in front of everyone?" the youngest asked. i smiled shyly. 

"okay... we'll give you guys some time alone," yoongi said and instructed all of them to leave except for taehyung of course. he back-hugged me and i was embraced in his warm hug.

"i love you ara," he mumbled. i smiled.

"i love you too, taetae." i replied.

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