[ 51 ] DANCES.

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dancing was one of the best things that hyuna loves to do. she has always been fond of dancing since she was a little kid and has never failed to make her parents and teachers proud. she has gotten so many awards from concerts and competitions she has participated in.

"hyuna. there is this person saying he wants to work with you. should i let him up?" sumi, hyuna's assistant, asked.

"yeah, sure. just tell him the floor and room number. thanks." hyuna hung up, her heart beating fast.

"i have never worked with someone before... what if i screw up?" hyuna thought as she stood in the middle of the dance room.

the door opened and revealed a handsome boy.

"h-hi... my name is jung hoseok a-and i'm the one who wants to work with you."


hyuna stood there staring at the young man standing in front of the doorway. she was in shock. she has never seen anyone this handsome in her life before. the boy was someone who hyuna would date honestly.

"uh... are you ok?" hoseok asked which snapped hyuna out of her thoughts.

"ah... sorry. what was your name again? i didn't catch it. i'm-"

"hyuna. kim hyuna. i'm jung hoseok. i'm the one that your assistant called you for. i wanted to work with you." hoseok smiled, showing his dimples.

hyuna blushed lightly and smiled back. "well, i have been practicing this dance and i hope you can help me improve? and also, i would like to see you do a dance first. i want to see your skills."

"a-are you sure? you w-want to see me dance?" hoseok asked nervously, scratching the back of his neck.

"i mean like, that's the only way i can see your skill right?" hyuna said, tilting her head. hoseok blushed.

"r-right... what do you want me to dance to?" hoseok asked.

"in my feelings by drake. i know it's a famous song right now so, lemme see what ya got!" hyuna exclaimed excitedly. hoseok smiled brightly before nodding.

hyuna quickly turned on the song and waited patiently for hoseok to start dancing.

hoseok started moving his body with the beat of the music. hyuna has never been so fascinated by someone's dancing before. she has never seen someone dance so gracefully before. she has never seen anyone made her so attracted to them just by dancing in front of her.

hyuna stared at hoseok until the end of the song. she quickly clapped and hoseok blushed a light shade of red.

"that was a very nice dance hobi! you have very good skills and potential in dancing! well, i'm glad to see that you are going to be my partner for this upcoming project and the next few projects coming up!" hyuna exclaimed which left hoseok speechless.

"n-next few p-projects? you mean i-i'm going to be your partner forever?" hoseok mumbled. hyuna laughed and nodded her head.

hoseok mumbled some incoherent words and immediately started jumping around.

"thank you! thank you! thank you! i cannot believe this! thank you!" hoseok exclaimed.

"well, i guess we're going to have a nice time working together hobi."



this is a friendly imagine as you guys can see :) no love included in here. except for the fact that hoseok admired her.

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(words: 588)

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