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taehyung and jungkook had just finished their photoshoot and decided to go outside for some fresh air.

it was already late at night but they still decided to go to the playground. with, of course, the cameraman with them.

"hyung! let's go on the roundabout!" jungkook called out to taehyung. the older ran to where jungkook is.

"you go on it and i'll spin it. i'll be very gentle. i promise." although jungkook was lying. his eyes had a glint of mischief.

taehyung sat inside the roundabout. jungkook started out slowly. wanting taehyung to trust him. then, he started to spin it fastly and tightly grabbed the sides of the roundabout.

"hey! hey! hey! stop it!" taehyung started yelling at jungkook.

"jeon jungkook! stop it! wah... wah... hey! stop this!" this only made jungkook to spin it faster. taehyung started groaning loudly as he felt like he was going to throw up.

jungkook saw the look on taehyung's face and stopped.

taehyung immediately got off the roundabout, his walking unstable.

"fucking hell jeon..." taehyung muttered, his head spinning. taehyung sat down on the ground holding his head.

"you ok hyung?" jungkook asked, worriedly.

"of course not! geez... i have a headache now..." the older replied. jungkook pouted. he didn't want to hurt taehyung in the first place!

taehyung's headache decreased a little making him feeling a little better.

"should i grab someone to come help or-" taehyung waved his hand as a sign of no.

"the cameraman is here r-remember?" taehyung said, pointing to the cameraman. the said male has stopped filming right after taehyung sat down on the floor. 

"sorry hyung... let's get back now..." jungkook sticks his hand out for taehyung to stand up.

and they left the playground.



sorry for such a short imagine! i just wanted to make more imagines/scenarios right before i start school! my school starts on the 24th of this month, so please, don't bug me or ask me about making more imagines when my school starts!

i will try and make some imagines on the weekend.

don't forget to comment, vote and share!


(words: 356)

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