[ 9 ] DRUNK.

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ara's POV

i was waiting for my boyfriend, jungkook, to come home. he said he was going out with his friends and was going to come back at 9:00 pm but now, it's already 12:00 am. i am confused about where he is and i am very sleepy. but, i refuse to sleep without him being beside me.

suddenly, the front door opened and i heard the sound of the door slammed.

"baby~ i'm home~" someone slurred. i was confused. i ran to the door quickly and saw jungkook. he was drunk.

"did you fucking drunk drive?!" i exclaimed.

"i reached here safely anyway." he rolled his eyes.

"yes! i know! but you still drunk drive! do you know how dangerous that is for-" i got cut off by him. not words. his lips. he was... kissing me...

i pushed him away, not wanting to tase any alcohol.

"jungkook stop it! you're drunk! i don't-" i got cut off again. he pushed me towards the door and he trapped me in between him and the door.

"hmm? what was it baby?" he asked. i gulped. he was really scary when he was drunk. he smirked at me.

"cat got your tongue, ara?" he asked again.

"k-kookie... y-you have to stop this n-nonsense. y-you're drunk-" i got cut off by his lips meeting mine. i was shocked. even if we have kissed in the past, i am still shocked by when he kisses me out of nowhere.

jungkook started sucking on my bottom lip to get me out of my thoughts. i was too shocked to even kiss him back that he was probably annoyed by me. he switched to my upper lip and sucked on it. he pulled away and his lips were glossy.

"why aren't you kissing me back, ara?" he asked. i tried answering him but my voice seemed like it got stuck in my throat.

he kissed me again with more passion than before. i finally started kissing him back after a while. i felt him smile into the kiss. i could taste a bit of alcohol which made me push him away from me.

"jungkook... we need to sleep now. it's already late at night!" i shrieked as i saw the clock.

"fine... let's sleep," he said annoyed. he had to shower first actually which made him more annoyed.

he came out of the bathroom with only his pants on and he was freaking shirtless. i blushed hard and looked towards where my pillow is. he was still drunk so i didn't know what to do when he is like this.

"kookie... p-put on a shirt will you!" i cursed myself in my head for stuttering.

"why?" he asked.

"just put it on!" i exclaimed. he laughed and took his shirt and put it on. he came to me and laid us both down. my back was facing him and he pulled me towards him so he was back hugging me.

"sorry baby... let's sleep now." jungkook said. he wasn't acting drunk right now. weird...

"it's okay, kookie. goodnight. i love you." i said.

"i love you too," he replied and we both drifted off to dreamland...

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