[ 103 ] BRAT.

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DA BOYZ (without kook)

gOD, i wish we never met jungkook

i know!
he's such a bratty boy and i just can't help but feel so annoyed now

he's still a teenage boy, but he's supposed to be mature and grown-up now

that boy really needs to learn some fucking manners

aren't you all being a bit too harsh with him?
yeah, he is bratty, but that doesn't mean you all just fucking turn your backs on him

he's annoying all of us, tae!

yeah, when are you going to still keep this act up?
stop pretending you're not annoyed around him

when he finds out about this i'm not included


6 princes & 1 king

where you fuckers at?
i can't find you all

we're in the library

no, we're outside the school

what? no we're not
stop lying

you two
yes we are the library



"tae!" jimin exclaimed, "why did you tell him we're here? this is supposed to be our safe place from jeongguk since he hates going to the library!"

taehyung groaned, "will you just stop! just accept that jeongguk is like this! we've been best friends with him for more than five years! you can't just throw away that long friendship just because he's a brat! if you guys don't like him then why didn't you just say it from the past five years before we all became close!"

"because!" yoongi exclaimed, "we didn't want to hurt the feelings of a seventeen-year-old boy! he was still so pure and childish that we thought he would stop acting like that!"

"then tell him!" taehyung fights back, "tell him how much you hate him! in the end, i'm going to be the one who comforts him since i am the only one who cares about him!"

they were all arguing, yet they didn't know that jeongguk was already near them and listening to their conversation carefully. his heart hurt. he didn't know he was annoying the five of his friends. he thought they were already used to his bratty actions, yet they weren't.

the raven-haired boy decides to come into the scene, making all the arguing stop, "y-you guys hate me?"

no one answered, and taehyung was the only one who stood up, going up to jeongguk. the second oldest of the group hugged jeongguk tightly, showing jeongguk a sign that he didn't hate jeongguk.

"n-no, gguk, we were just-"

"if you do hate me you would've told me since the beginning i met you guys!" jeongguk cried, "you should've told me that i was an annoying, bratty kid who didn't know manners! you should've told me that you didn't like me so that i wouldn't have to keep being friends with you all!"

"no, gguk, we were just trying-" hoseok got cut off.

"i thought you guys were going to be my friends who love me for who i am." jeongguk states, tears running down his face, "i-i thought someone in this world would just accept that i'm like this. i thought that i found the right group of friends but it turns out i'm wrong."

"jeongguk..." taehyung mumbled, "let's go."

jeongguk nods, wiping his teary eyes as he follows taehyung out of the library. none of them talked, it was just silence as they walked around the school in attempt to calm jeongguk down from crying.

"hyung." jeongguk spoke softly, "why are you the only one who likes me?"

"hm." taehyung hummed, "well, first of all, you're a sweet boy. second, you're really cute. third, you don't need them to make you feel loved. you have me."

jeongguk blushed, "yeah, i guess so... but what will i say when we meet them again?"

"i'll think about it." taehyung smiled and interlocked his hands with jeongguk's.


6 princes & 1 king


we're really sorry

we didn't mean any of those words

we didn't realize how much fun we have around you

im sorry gguk

you guys never EVER go near jeongguk and me again

i thought i was annoying you guys? now you want me to get back with you?

gguk you know we never meant any of those, right?

have fun with new friends ig :)

jeongguk left the chat

lmao bye suckers :)

taehyung left the chat


"that felt good, didn't it?" taehyung laughs deeply, looking at jeongguk.

"yeah." jeongguk replies with a sigh, "i just wish i knew what they thought about me sooner."

"i'm sorry i didn't tell you sooner." taehyung says, "i was just afraid that they'll lie in front of you and then i'll be the one in trouble."

"never." jeongguk giggles, "you're way too cute for trouble."

"oh?" taehyung said in a playful tone, "did jeongguk just confess to me?"

jeongguk blushed in return, "w-we confessed not long ago! why-"

"i'm just joking, baby." taehyung laughs, "can't take a joke, can you?"

"hey." jeongguk says, "i'm a king! you're supposed to treat me good!"

taehyung hummed, "that i will."

a/n: this is super bad and im sorry. but most importantly, sorry for making the other five members become bad :( and this imagine is SUPER random so im sorry for this weird plot.

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