[ 12 ] NEW HOUSE.

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ara's POV

today is the day. the big day. the day that i get to move into a new house with jungkook. he had to talk to it with his manager and luckily, his manager agreed for us to move into a new house.

anyway, we have been arranging stuff in the house for almost the whole day now.

"jungkook! can you help me move these pillows?" i called out. he came running to me as if there's no tomorrow.

"which... pillows?" he asked, out of breath.

"the ones downstairs." i simply said while arranging the pillows in our bedroom.

"aish... you could've told me those pillows were downstairs!" jungkook whined. i giggled.

"i'm just kidding. help me arrange the ones here," i said. i heard him sigh in relief.

suddenly, i felt hands around my waist. i looked back and saw Jungkook laying his head on my back.

"can we cuddle for a while please?" jungkook asked. he was pouting, which he knows is my weakness.

"fine. but only for 30 minutes ok?" i said. he nodded quickly. we laid on the bed together and yes, there are bedsheets and they weren't dirty. jungkook's arm is around me and i put my head on his chest.

"what was the reason we moved into a new house again?" jungkook asked.

"your bandmates were annoying you and me about our relationship so you decided to move out and take me with you," i explained for the 10th time today. he keeps asking me that question which annoys me now.

"hehe... sorry if i am making you annoyed. i just want you to still remember the reason until we grow old." jungkook said as he smiled. i rolled my eyes playfully. i suddenly had the urge of tickling jungkook and i actually did it.

my hands went for his stomach and his sides. he yelped in surprise which made my laugh. unfortunately, he jumped which made me fall down from the bed.

"aish! what was that for?!" jungkook said.

"i don't know. i just had the urge of tickling you. and, my butt hurts now." i added. jungkook smiled and helped me up.

"that's karma. you tickled me and i pushed you as an instinct." jungkook said as he back-hugged me.

"hmph." i crossed my arms, pouting, pretending to be mad at him.

"aww... is my baby mad at me?" he sang. i gave up and gave a smile. he smiled as well.

"there you go! smile, please! i would love it! anyway... you want to continue moving the things?" jungkook asked. my eyes widened as i realized we still need to move our stuff.

"hey! why did you ask me now?! you could've told me before! aish!" i said and started to get up. i heard him chuckle.

"geez... stop being so problematic," he said. i rolled my eyes playfully.

and that was the start of their new life together in a new home...

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