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jeongguk was done.

he's tired of taehyung treating him as a toy. he's tired with taehyung calling him his so-called "boyfriend" but then surrounds himself with other girls. he just wants a perfect relationship, is it that hard to get?

the last straw from him was when he sees taehyung in a bar with a girl kissing his neck, and taehyung just staring at his glass. jeongguk decided that he had enough. even if taehyung begged him to stay, jeongguk left, leaving taehyung crying in front of the bar.

when he went to school, he felt free, like the burden that was on his shoulders was lifted. he spent more time with jimin, and less time thinking about taehyung.

but there were sudden moments jeongguk thought about taehyung. about how he's currently doing and if he's okay. he hasn't seen taehyung at all in school, and he should feel relieved. but he was worried. he was worried that taehyung might've gotten hurt or something.

so, during lunchtime, he went on a search for taehyung, telling jimin the truth. jimin, of course, protested, but jeongguk insisted. taehyung was nowhere to be found. his usual spots were empty, and it felt like taehyung was just gone from this world.

the only place jeongguk hadn't looked was the rooftop. he knew taehyung rarely goes up there because of heights, but that was his last chance of getting to see if taehyung was okay or not. so when he climbed the last flight of stairs and opened the door to the rooftop, he sees taehyung sitting at the edge, a cigarette held between his fingers as he inhaled and exhaled the smoke.

jeongguk never see taehyung smoke while being in a "relationship" with him, and this was the first time seeing him.

"i never took you as someone who smokes." jeongguk spoke softly, seeing taehyung's body tense up. god, jeongguk wanted to slap the cancer stick away from taehyung, but his feet won't move. there were already three cigarette butts laying next to taehyung, and jeongguk was concerned.

the older didn't answer when jeongguk spoke, and he didn't even look. he only crushed the cigarette and stood up. jeongguk was ready to run at him and pull him away from the edge, but the older made no signs of jumping. he only stared at the view in front of him.

"t-taehyung." jeongguk stuttered, afraid that taehyung might accidentally slip, "g-get down from there. i-i don't want you to fall."

the older made no move, whatsoever, and jeongguk finally gets closer to taehyung. he grabbed taehyung's hand, and he realizes how cold taehyung's hands were. the way they tensed up when jeongguk grabbed them made the younger feel scared.

"why are you here, jeon?" taehyung has never called him by his last name before, and the sound was so foreign to jeongguk since he was used to hearing nicknames.

"i-i was just looking for you." jeongguk answers, "i-i was worried about y-you."

taehyung didn't answer after that. he didn't make any move to remove his hand from jeongguk's but he didn't hold jeongguk's hand.

"taehyung please go down-"

"i thought you didn't want to see me again?" taehyung cuts jeongguk off with the sudden question, "you made it clear to me that you didn't want to see me again."

"i- can you please g-go down? i don't want you to accidentally sl-slip and then fall." jeongguk says as he pulls taehyung's hand. taehyung didn't budge.

"just leave, jeongguk." again, taehyung has never called jeongguk by his full name.


"leave." taehyung's stern voice made jeongguk place his hand down and back away.

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