[ 40 ] DATE NIGHT.

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kim yeonji and kim namjoon. not siblings. but they are couples. they have the same surname but comes from a different family.

kim namjoon works as a music producer. he is famous in korea and his stage name is RM. he has a mixtape on soundcloud (which ya'll should be streaming as well...). his age is 23 years old. he has debuted since he was 18 years old. that is probably the only basic things people need to know about him in general.

kim yeonji works as a fashion designer. she is also famous in korea and people know her just by her original name. her age is 22 years old. she made her appearance at the age of 19 years old. the reason she started doing fashion is that she likes to do many designs and she starts to get fond of it. she grew up in a poor family, which now no longer is because of her job. that is the basic things people need to know about her.

"yeonji~ do you want to go on a date with me tonight?" namjoon asked through the phone.

yeonji smiled. "sure! what time though? i don't want you to hurry your work and not get it detailed much..."

"aww... it's ok darling... i'll probably finish work earlier today since yoongi-hyung is helping me with music. see you at home baby." namjoon said. yeonji could practically "see" him smiling.

"ok. bye, sweetheart," yeonji said and ended the call. it was around 3:00 in the afternoon and she had no work to do. no designs to re-do or make more details too. she was bored out of her mind.

she knew she couldn't call her other friends since they were working. she quietly groaned as she had nothing to do.

a lightbulb appeared in her head.

"i can play roblox!" she thought and grabbed her laptop.

(a/n: i actually have roblox and like... sorry if it sounds lame but like, i like the game XD.)


after a few hours of playing roblox, she finally got tired of it and rested her eyes. she decided to read a book - that belonged to namjoon - which was his and her favorite.

it was a classic romantic story. kind of like their love life. 

about their love life, they met in an event, where famous people promote the things they produce. namjoon and yeonji met in the bar of the event. that's when something clicked inside of them.

"baby? i'm home!" namjoon called out from downstairs. yeonji immediately got up and ran downstairs. she hugged namjoon tightly.

"i miss you!" yeonji squealed. she could hear namjoon laugh a little. 

"i miss you too baby... now, you go get ready ok? i have things ready for us already." namjoon smiled. yeonji quickly nodded and ran upstairs to change and grabbed her purse.

once she was done, she went downstairs to see namjoon on the kitchen table, playing with his phone. he looked up to see his beautiful girlfriend.

"wow... you look so beautiful..." namjoon awed. yeonji looked down shyly.

she was never used to getting compliments. especially if it's from her boyfriend. 

"stop it... i'm not that beautiful..." yeonji mumbled.

"yes, you are. you're very beautiful. now, don't complain and let's go." namjoon said.


as they arrived at the restaurant namjoon booked, yeonji's mouth was wide open. it was the restaurant she always wanted to go to.

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