[ 43 ] CUTE.

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cute. the work that describes jimin very clearly. yoongi has been calling jimin "cute" or "cutie" from the first time they met.

jimin has always had natural aegyo (even if he denies he actually has). his friends kept on telling him that natural aegyo is nice since he can impress anyone he like by doing cute stuff.

"cutie~" yoongi called out.

"yes?" jimin sighed, slightly tired from the dance practice he just had. jimin was so used to getting called "cutie" or "cute" from yoongi that he didn't feel flustered at all.

and the fact that yoongi was his boyfriend too.

"come and cuddle with me!" yoongi whined.

jimin loved that side of yoongi. if he wants a cuddle or was too tired, yoongi would act like a baby who wants to be fed.

"but i'm-" yoongi stood up and pulled jimin to the couch.

"i don't care. you're still my baby jimin." yoongi mumbled before resting his head on jimin's chest.

jimin sighed and started playing with the ends of yoongi's hair; like he always does whenever they cuddle.

yoongi basically hated getting touched by people. but, whenever jimin holds his hand or play with yoongi's hair, yoongi lets him.

"yoongi." jimin said. yoongi hummed in response.

"why do you let me touch you while you don't let others?" jimin asked out of curiosity.

yoongi immediately sat up with wide eyes. "w-why did you ask?"

"because i have seen your face when people hug you or even touch you very lightly. you seem very nervous around them. tell me why?" jimin said.

yoongi cleared his throat. "w-well... my old boyfriend, he used to be this caring one and the one who will be there for me all the time. he suddenly changed ever since hanging out with this dude. he started to want to touch me and- he almost raped me."

jimin gasped at the last sentence. "he almost fucking rape you?!"

yoongi nodded his head quickly and covered jimin's mouth with his hand.

"yes, he did. please don't talk about that anymore please... i have a... trauma because of him. he used to treat me so nicely and-" jimin quickly pecked yoongi's lips to shut him up.

"i'm sorry for whatever has happened to you in the past but let me promise you, i won't ever do that to you ok?" jimin said. yoongi nodded.

"i love you jimin."

"i love you too yoongi."



a short imagine to update after a few days :)

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(words: 428)

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