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yoongi and jimin both met each other when they were little. their parents introduced them to each other which resulted in them being friends for a long time.

"yoongi hyung! come play with me!" jimin exclaimed to the 12-year-old yoongi. the older rolled his eyes secretly, not wanting to actually play since he was "lazy"

"aish... go play with someone else chim. i'm tired," yoongi answered. jimin pouted but waddled to yoongi's side.

"come on! i promise that you can sleep after this!" jimin whined. yoongi, who was only 12 year old, cursed quietly.

"fine. but you owe me. promise?" yoongi asked. jimin nodded quickly and dragged yoongi to his playroom.


years passed. jimin and yoongi were still friends. they were now at the age of 25 and 23.

"hyung! come to accompany me to my dance practice please!" jimin begged the older. yoongi still had the habit of being lazy. which made it hard to persuade him to go out.

but, he didn't know why, he has a weakness towards jimin. he would always agree to jimin's request every time.

maybe it's because of the fact that yoongi likes him.

and maybe, he didn't want to show jimin that he has the disease.

yes, yoongi has the hanahaki disease. yoongi didn't want to show how weak he is when he starts to cough up the flowers.

"i-i can't jimin... i'm not feeling well right now. maybe you can go with taehyung?" yoongi suggested. jimin's face flushed.

of course his face did. jimin loves taehyung.

"w-what?! i can't! w-what are you thinking?! i might e-embarrass myself in front of him and-" jimin stopped talking due to lack of breathing.

"it's g-going to be fine ch-" yoongi started coughing and he had the sudden urge to throw up. the good thing is, they were in a house and not in public. yoongi immediately threw up once he was in the bathroom. 

jimin saw. everything.

"yoongi! not you p-please!" jimin exclaimed.

"h-hyung tell me who it is! tell me who you l-love! hyung tell me who it is!" jimin continued.

yoongi didn't want jimin to know it was him that he loves. he didn't want jimin to blame himself that it was him.

"i-i'm fine jimin. y-you should go to p-practice now. h-hoseok might be waiting for you." yoongi gave jimin a small smile to let him know that he was fine.

but jimin was stubborn and didn't want to go.

"no! i won't go! y-you have the disease and i don't want to leave you like this! w-what if something happens and n-no one is here to help you?! i don't want to lose you hyung!" jimin was now scared. jimin was scared that yoongi might leave him.

"hyung will be fine chim. nothing is going to happen to me ok? you should go before hobi starts worrying on where you are ok?" yoongi re-assured jimin that he was fine.

jimin was hesitant to go but yoongi kept on telling him to go which actually resulted in jimin to leave. 

in reality, yoongi didn't want jimin to go. but, he also didn't want jimin to be worried about him.

to say that yoongi actually needed jimin to stay by him was selfish towards yoongi.

yoongi's chest tightened as the pain in his chest grew. the roots of the flowers were growing and yoongi knew, that if he didn't get the surgery, he might die.

but, yoongi didn't want a surgery. he didn't want to lose the love his has for jimin. he wanted to love jimin with all his heart, even if he realizes that it might cause him to die.


1 month passed by and yoongi was still alive. jimin took care of yoongi, still not knowing who he loves.

"yoongi, please. please tell me who you love. he or she doesn't deserve your love! you don't need to die because of them!" jimin tried persuading yoongi in telling him who yoongi loves but yoongi kept on answering that same thing.

"you don't need to know jimin. i-" yoongi started coughing up flowers but this time, blood was painted on them.

and both of them knew that yoongi's condition was worsening.

"yoongi! you need to tell me who it is or just get a surgery!" jimin frantically said. yoongi could only smile.

"i'd rather die than losing feelings for you chim." yoongi finally told jimin who was the cause of this.

"w-what? me? y-you liked me this whole time?!" jimin exclaimed. yoongi was rather shocked in jimin's sudden outburst. yoongi didn't know that jimin would be like this.

"w-what? so you're just g-going to be mad at me for liking you? i sacrificed my life so that i can be with you jimin. i don't want a surgery because i don't want to lose feelings for you." yoongi was rather hurt. 

"so you'll just rather die than living? pathetic." jimin scoffed. yoongi was hurting more because the roots were starting to grow and he knew that in a little while, he'll die.

"i-i can't believe you jimin. i t-thought that you were going to h-have a different reaction t-than this," yoongi said. he took all of his strength to stand up and leave.

jimin didn't know why he was acting like this.

yoongi had started crying on the way down. he knew, that if he told jimin he likes him he will react this way, but, he didn't knew that he will get this hurt.

of course, they both didn't know that yoongi's condition was going to get worse if his lover gets mad at the others feelings.

yoongi was endlessly coughing and starting coughing up blood covered petals. he became weak. yoongi suddenly got dizzy and fell down to the floor, right in front the front door. 

jimin heard the thud and immediately went looking for the source of the sound. and he found it. yoongi was lying on the ground, coughing endlessly, helplessly.

"y-yoongi!" jimin rushed to help yoongi.

"j-jimin promise m-me one thing p-please..." yoongi begged. jimin started crying.

"p-please be happy. i want you to be h-happy chim. be happy with t-taehyung ok? p-promise me that ok?' yoongi said. jimin nodded.

"yoongi stay with me, please! i promise you i will love you! p-please yoongi!" jimin exclaimed.

yoongi smiled weakly. "i love you jimin..."

and yoongi goes limp.


Hanahaki Disease (花吐き病 (Japanese); 하나하키병 (Korean); 花吐病 (Chinese)) is a fictional disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from . It ends when the beloved returns their feelings (romantic love only; strong friendship is not enough), or when the victim dies. It can be cured through surgical removal, but when the infection is removed, the victim's romantic feelings for their love also disappear.

(credits: https://fanlore.org/wiki/Hanahaki_Disease)


honestly... if this disease was real, i would've died a long time ago XD... but anyways... hope you liked this imagine! 

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(words: 1167)

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