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the whole day, jisoo kept on replaying the words taehyung had said to her, to the point she accidentally passed the class she was supposed to be in.

though she didn't care about failing a class. she was a player and players are known as the bad and careless people on the planet.

she was so busy thinking about taehyung that she didn't watch where she was going. she accidentally skipped a step and tripped.

she closed her eyes, ready to feel the impact of the floor hitting her but it never came.

instead, she felt strong arms wrap around her waist and pulled her back up. jisoo opened her eyes slowly and saw the boy she was dreading to see.

kim taehyung

the boy that kept her mind from playing with people's hearts. the boy that kept her confused the whole day. the boy that makes her go all soft in her heart.

as soon as taehyung saw who he caught, his cheeks turned red but quickly hid it by smirking instead.

"so, i meet you here instead." taehyung said in a monotone voice. jisoo quickly pulled herself away from taehyung, brushing her hair behind her ear.

"s-sorry about that. why are you here? aren't you supposed to be with your friends?" jisoo asked.

"eh. i decided to ditch them. didn't want to be near those douchebags for now." taehyung said plainly. jisoo gave taehyung a small smile.

"so you realize that they were douchebags just now? nice." jisoo said. taehyung giggled.

"what about you? why aren't you with your friends? i thought those 3 girls always follow you around like you're the boss." taehyung commented. jisoo gasped dramatically and playfully slapped taehyung's arm.

"they are not my minions. they are my close friends. i am not their boss for your information. you don't know anything about me so you can't assume things easily." jisoo said. "by the way, what do you mean by meeting you after school? we could just talk about it-"

taehyung suddenly pulled jisoo's arm, dragging her with him as they both ran out of the school with taehyung leading the way.

"hey! where are we going?!" jisoo yelled as taehyung kept dragging her to somewhere jisoo didn't know.

although jisoo couldn't see it, taehyung smirked. "you'll see."


as taehyung stopped running and pulling on jisoo's wrist, they were on a hillside, which looks like there was also a farm here.

"w-where are we?" jisoo asked while looking around.

"the place i used to grow up in. the place where- ah... nevermind." taehyung mumbled as he sat down on the grass and jisoo followed suit.

"it's fine. you can tell me. if you want of course. i can listen to you. i'm a good listener though i look like i don't." jisoo said plainly. taehyung looked at her before he thought about something.

"i've never met someone this nice to me before... i wonder how she changed completely into a player though... only her and me are the players in the school. she must have reason to become a player." taehyung thought as he looked at jisoo.

"w-well, this is the house i grew up in before i completely changed. this girl, her name was nari, she was the love of my life. she was the girl i decided to marry in the future but she suddenly left me. she left me with another guy which i assumed was the guy that she has been for the past years i have been with. and with that-" taehyung sniffed as tears started pouring down his face. "-i have decided that making people feel the same pain as me makes me feel nice..."

jisoo looked at taehyung with a look of shock actually. "woah, woah, wait a minute. nari? she-she was the girl my ex-left with. he left with her to another country and my ex, jaebom, never contacted me back... we have the same reasons?"

taehyung stared at jisoo and the girl stared back. "taehyung does this mean that we could've known each other for years?"

taehyung could only nod as he hugged jisoo with his strong arms, tears pouring down his face. "i'm s-so sorry for what n-nari did to break of your r-relationship and-"

"shh... stop that. what she did to break of the relationship made me realize now that... a beautiful boy is waiting for me." jisoo stated making taehyung look up.

"and who's the boy?" taehyung asked.

"tae... i have liked you for so long now and-"

taehyung kissed her



there we go. that's the ending. hehe. i hope you liked it btwimdead

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(words: 802)

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