[ 42 ] REGRETS.

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jimin regretted everything. he regretted saying the harmful words towards the girl he loved so much. he regretted leaving her.

and now hyerin seem happy with the child (that was actually jimin's daughter as well) and the man hyerin is with. she never mentioned that jimin was the father of her child since it may have been a shocking news to both her child and namjoon.

jimin had mixed feelings - sadness, guilt, and anger - and it was eating him up slowly. and soon he'll get into depression.

everything he does reminds him of the day he left hyerin. everything he thinks of links towards hyerin.

the day jimin tried to approach hyerin, namjoon came first. he saw how happy hyerin is with namjoon. he could only smile bitterly and sucked up his courage and walked up to her.

"hi." jimin said. hyerin's eyes widened.

"j-jimin... hi. it's been a long time since we've talked isn't it?" hyerin said. namjoon eyed jimin suspiciously.

"who are you?" namjoon asked.

"i'm so sorry... i'm park jimin. hyerin's... friend." jimin hesitantly said.

"oh. i'm kim namjoon, hyerin's husband." namjoon smiled. jimin smiled bitterly.

"she has a husband now? he's her husband? well... i guess... it's time for me to let go..." jimin thought.

"i-i have to g-go... m-my parents are waiting for me..." jimin said softly, on the verge of crying.

"nice meeting you jimin." namjoon said. jimin stopped in his tracks before answering.

"n-nice meeting you too..." jimin mumbled, his voice cracking at the end.

hyerin watched as jimin's body started shaking from crying.

"umm... joonie? can me and jimin talk privately for awhile? we want to catch on a few things with each other since it's been years since we have talked with each other." hyerin made up an excuse.

"sure. but don't talk too long ok?" namjoon said and kissed hyerin's temple. the girl nodded before running towards jimin.

"jimin! wait!" hyerin exclaimed. jimin had no intention of stopping but stopped once he hears hyerin's voice.

he quickly wiped his tears away before turning to her with a forced smile on his face, tears threatening to fall down.

"y-yes?" jimin said. hyerin notice the tear stain cheeks and wiped his cheek with her small hand.

"look chim... i know you didn't have the intention of leaving me 2 years ago... i know you didn't mean that but look at me now chim! i'm happy! namjoon's making me happy jimin..." hyerin said softly.

jimin slowly pulled hyerin's hand away from his face, afraid that he might have no control of himself but to kiss her. "i know... i-i can see that... he treats you better then i did. he's better for you rather than me. he's better in so many ways... he can make you and my- his daughter happy."

"i can see that you are happier with him. i can see how your daughter laughs around him. how do i-i know that? i've seen y-your tweets... i see how happy you are with n-namjoon..." jimin smiled bitterly.

hyerin watched how his eyes break into sadness but still kept the smile on his face. she watched how jimin was slowly breaking inside of him. she saw how jimin is trying to now cry by biting his lower lip. she saw how jimin hands were fiddling with each other to try and not kiss her.

"jimin you don't have to keep your feelings inside." hyerin stated.

jimin shook his head. "y-you should get back hyerin... namjoon's going to be worried why you're taking so long... bye hyerin... nice seeing you... probably for the last time..." jimin said softly and walked away to his car.

hyerin watched him walked slowly to his car. she sighed before going back to her husband and daughter smiling.


inside jimin's car, he yelled and hit the steering wheel, banging his head on it as well. tears started pouring down his face.

he wiped his tears away furiously before driving, his breathing shaky. tears were still blurring his sight and he wiped-




sorry for such angst and a cliffhanger ending! if you do read my author notes, here's the "ending" of this imagine!


jimin crashed into a tree very hard which caused him to fly forwards. him hitting his stomach on the steering wheel and his head on the glass.

he was bleeding so much when the ambulance came that he died on the way to the hospital.

the one who called the ambulance?

namjoon and hyerin

hyerin was crying so much when she found out jimin died. she knew jimin wasn't going to live well knowing she's married.

but, she still wants him to not live in pain too.


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(words: 799)

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