[ 93 ] DIVORCE.

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"gguk..." taehyung says. "we can't keep doing this anymore! i can't handle you coming home late every single time! i can't live up to this lifestyle! do you even care about me and jihyo? she keeps crying, wanting you home early but you never are!"

jeongguk runs a hand through his hair in frustration. "tae, i'm telling you, i don't remember getting drunk and going home late! all i remember is me doing work and that's it! can't you believe me?"

"no, i cannot! how would i know if you're telling me the truth if you keep doing this every day, since last week?!" taehyung cries, tears threatening to fall. "we need a divorce, ggu."

jeongguk froze. "w-what?"

"i said we need a divorce, gguk. i can't live like this anymore. i can't let jihyo cry every day because of you not being there for her. at least she has someone who actually cares about her." taehyung mumbles, pushing jeongguk out of the way and starts packing his bags, along with jihyo's.

"wh-where are you going?" jeongguk stammers, as tears ran down his face. "i-i swear we c-can figure th-this out. i-i'll find out wh-who m-made me drunk and i-i'll make him tell the truth. j-just don't l-leave me, please."

taehyung shook his head. "it's no use, gguk. either w::: you're not going to be here for me and jihyo and it hurts me."

as soon as taehyung was done packing their bags, he quickly grabs jihyo's hand (who has been peeping through their bedroom door) and walks to the front door.

"t-tae, please—"

"bye, gguk."

several days have passed since taehyung has left jeongguk and... let's say taehyung hasn't really been doing well; he's constantly worried about jeongguk's well-being, but at the same time he's hurt. jihyo keeps asking about jeongguk and all taehyung could do was lie to her.

it wasn't good and taehyung doesn't want to keep doing this to her. but she's still a little kid and he doesn't want jihyo to feel sad.

their divorce was in two days and taehyung was nervous.

as taehyung was playing with jihyo and her dolls, he received a call from an unknown number. he excused himself, letting jihyo play alone.

"hello?" as he answers the call.

"hello, this is from seoul hospital. is this jeon taehyung?" a voice answers.

taehyung gulped. "y-yes, may i help you?"

"i'm sorry for bothering you, but we found jeon jeongguk on the sidewalk unconscious with vomit next to him," taehyung gasped. "we found your number on his phone and thought you were someone we had to call."

"o-oh... uhm, d-do you know what h-happened to him?" taehyung stuttered, his heart beating fast.

"doctors have told me that he has alcohol poisoning. it must not be jeongguk's intention to get drunk every day because the doctor told me that he has low alcohol tolerance," the nurse spoke. "you may visit jeongguk—"

"y-yeah, i'll visit him today. th-thank you for t-this information." taehyung hung up. he quickly went to jihyo.

"honey, i'm going to the hospital for a while, yeah? do you want to come with me?" taehyung asks, as tears started to blur his eyes.

"no, it's okay! i can stay home! oh, can i ask mina to come over? that way i have someone to hang out with!" jihyo asks, with pleading eyes.

"yeah, sure. i'll be going now, okay? don't leave the house." taehyung says sternly. he then left the house, starting up the car.

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