[ 78 ] AWKWARD.

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it was very awkward whenever jeongguk had to be with taehyung alone. he never wanted to be together with taehyung anymore because it'll get really awkward. being ex-boyfriends with someone in the band is bad because they're going to be stuck with each other.

"jeongguk, taehyung!" one of the staff calls. "go into your positions! we're ready!"

taehyung gulped. he wasn't ready to be together with jeongguk after a long time. he looked up at jeongguk for a split second before looking away again; he bit his lip and his eyes watered. he quickly wiped away his tears and walked to the set, jeongguk trailing behind him.

"okay, you guys will be standing in front of the door and will stare in each other's eyes," the director says. "taehyung, you sling your arm around jeongguk shoulder."

they both did as they were told but they were nervous. they couldn't stand looking at each other without either crying or yelling.

"i-i can't do this..." taehyung mumbled. "s-sorry, can you do other people first?"

the director nodded. "okay, you and jeongguk can go after jimin and yoongi."

taehyung nodded with understanding before rushing out of the set. jeongguk was confused, yet he knew why it would be awkward. he followed taehyung and watched him enter the dressing room and closing the door (taehyung forgot to lock the door).

he entered the dressing room. "tae?"

taehyung jumped but then realized that it was only jeongguk. "ggukie... hi."

"a-are you okay?" jeongguk asks. "you seem to panic before and i assumed it was because of me?"

"n-no! i-i just p-panicked for a second and i-i couldn't take it and i—"

jeongguk hugged taehyung tightly, caressing his hair softly. "what's wrong, tae? i-is it because of our breakup?"

taehyung finally let out the sob he has been wanting to let out. "i-i just ca-can't look at y-you the w-way we used t-to when we we-weren't dating and when we w-were... i-i just can't look a-at you without c-crying or l-looking away."

"shh~ it's okay... i got you... let out all your feelings." jeongguk mumbles. he hums a song he knew taehyung loves and that can calm him down. taehyung's loud sobs soon quietened down and it turned into sniffles and hiccups.

"are you okay now, tae?" jeongguk asks and taehyung nods.

"i-i'm sorry... you must've wanted to go home b-but i made you w-wait." taehyung mumbles. jeongguk sighs.

"taehyung," jeongguk started. "i don't care how much i have to wait. i don't care that i have to wait long, as long as it's you. i know that we broke up already but, baby, i still care about you. i-i figured that i still loved you after a long time."

taehyung's lips started wobbling and he bursts into tears again. "wh-why didn't you tell me th-this! i-i couldn't b-been so happy all th-this time!"

jeongguk giggled. "i'm sorry~ i was scared that you were going to get mad at me for still loving you after our breakup."

"i-i still love you too, meanie!"

a/n: this was so short and really bad im sorry sksk

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