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having someone to have fun and be happy with has always been taehyung's dream. he has always loved the idea of being in a relationship and being happy with someone else. of course, a lot of people have rejected him, but one person finally accepted him. jeon jeongguk, his boyfriend of four years, gladly accepted taehyung as his boyfriend in highschool. they've been together ever since.

taehyung has always been happy to walk around campus with jeongguk's hand held in his. of course, people have talked about having the most popular guy in school going out with a... non-popular kid. yeah, taehyung have always been insecure about his face and body, but jeongguk has always been reassuring taehyung throughout the relationship. jeongguk made him feel so much better about himself, yet there are times where taehyung just completely broke and started feeling so bad about his body until he wouldn't let jeongguk touch him.

there are times when taehyung just completely shuts jeongguk off from him, and of course, jeongguk is used to it by now, but back then? no, he wasn't used to it; jeongguk gets so scared that something might happen to taehyung inside his room, but nothing bad usually happens, only crying.

but that was all in the past. all the bad things that taehyung experience has passed. he now talks to jeongguk instead of shutting him out. he isn't that insecure with his body anymore. the bad talks about his former classmates were now forgotten and he lives happily with jeongguk in their shared apartment.

of course, jeongguk was planning on proposing to taehyung soon, but he just has to wait.

but then, here's a more detailed explanation of their love story...

their first week of dating:

taehyung walked into campus with his lips bitten. he was nervous to see his boyfriend. everyone was talking about him just because he started dating jeongguk. of course, he perfectly knew that jeongguk was in love with him, yet he just doubted the love, and question it every day.

"baby!' jeongguk's familiar voice rang through the halls catching taehyung's attention. jeongguk then motioned to taehyung to come near him, and the boy complied. jeongguk's friends have always been intimidating to taehyung, and ever since they started dating, taehyung became even more scared of jeongguk's friends (he was clearly afraid that they would just start beating him up).

"h-hi ggu..." taehyung mumbled, and jeongguk kissed the top of taehyung's head, making the boy blush.

"good morning," jeongguk says softly. "why do you look so nervous?"

"huh?" taehyung looked up, coming face-to-face with jeongguk. but what he didn't know was how close they were with each other; their noses bumped into each other, lips not too far from each other. "o-oh, nothing! i-i'm fine!"

jeongguk hummed clearly knowing something was definitely wrong. but, like the good boyfriend he is, he doesn't push taehyung into telling him. "okay, but if something or someone is bothering you, come talk to me, okay?"

taehyung nodded. "aren't you getting to class?"

"oh, no i'm not." jeongguk says, and taehyung's disappointed face came on. "don't be like that, baby. coach wants me to practice during homeroom and the first period. i'll see you starting from the second period."

but taehyung keeps pouting. "b-but i want you th-there... p-people can b-be scary and they c-can talk about me..."

jeongguk cupped taehyung's face, squishing it. "it's going to be okay. you can talk to me afterward and i'll deal with them."

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