[ 84 ] FEELINGS.

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taehyung and yoongi could practically be said as soulmates right now. they hang out with each other a lot, they keep each other happy, and people really envy them for their friendship. it was cute seeing them laughing and playing with each other.

but what people don't know, is the feelings taehyung has for yoongi. taehyung has always adored yoongi since middle school because of his rapping skills. yet taehyung knew that he was just a little brother in yoongi's eyes, and nothing more.

what hurt taehyung the most, is the fact that yoongi has a crush on his friend, jimin. it was quite saddening seeing them blush and giggle together since taehyung wanted to do those things together with yoongi. every time yoongi asks taehyung about jimin, he would usually answer the same thing as always, "he's doing great. he's been talking about you a lot." because he didn't want yoongi to know about his actual feelings.

"hey, tae?" yoongi called out as they were inside the studio in yoongi's house.


"is it okay if i make jimin my boyfriend?"

taehyung stilled. he looked at yoongi, who has cheeks bright pink.

"oh—uhm—well he does l-like you too, so i guess it is a good idea..." taehyung mumbles before standing up, ready to leave.

"hey, where are you going?" yoongi asks, confused to why taehyung is suddenly leaving.

"my m-mom might be looking for me, so i b-better go." taehyung finds himself a shitty excuse and quickly runs out the door.

but he told me his mom would let him sleepover today? yoongi thought before shrugging it off and decided about what things to do to confess to jimin.

the next day, taehyung bit his lip as he entered yoongi's house, knowing that there might be jimin there too.

"yoon?" taehyung called out. "i-i'm here..."

it wasn't yoongi who came down the stairs, but it was jimin.

"taetae!!!" jimin squealed as he hugged his best friend.

taehyung smiled sadly and hugged jimin back. "hi, chim..."

jimin pulled apart before realizing something is wrong. "why do you look and sound so sad?"

taehyung shook his head, not wanting to ruin the moment of happiness for jimin; and plus, he did not want jimin to know the feelings he has for yoongi.

"baby, why are you taking so long?" taehyung hears yoongi whine from the living room.

"just a moment, yoon! i'm talking to taehyung here! something must've happened to make him look so sad!" jimin yelled back and taehyung could immediately hear the sound of footsteps running closer.

"h-huh?" yoongi panted. "what's w-wrong, tae?"

taehyung managed to give yoongi a small smile before frowning again. "nothing is wrong, hyung. i'm fine."

"you never called me hyung before, except if something is wrong," yoongi said softly. "tell me what's wrong and we will both help you."

taehyung only shook his head again, making yoongi sigh in defeat.

"fine," yoongi said. "we're just starting to watch aladdin."

jimin smiled at taehyung before intertwining his hands with yoongi. taehyung looked at their hands, thinking about how perfect their hands look together, while his own hands look... ugly.

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