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yoongi has always been alone since he was little. he was shy and in people's eyes, he seems like a freak. he was very skinny. but he kept on thinking he was fat. 

jimin, on the other hand, is the most handsome person in the school. he wasn't known for something, he was just handsome. and yoongi likes him.

of course, people knew that because of how he keeps stealing glances at jimin. people make fun of him. for liking jimin. because they think jimin deserves someone better.

that got into yoongi's heart. it hurts him all the time. 

the school's bully, jungkook and taehyung (sorry... i couldn't think of anyone else! i was in a rush!) sometimes beat yoongi up when no one was around. of course, some teachers are worried about yoongi's health but yoongi didn't care.

i mean, he does feel good that someone cares for him but he wanted them to take actions.

what yoongi didn't know is that jimin has been keeping his eye on yoongi. he keeps seeing him limping from the beats he got from jungkook and taehyung, he keeps seeing how he skips lunch to go to the roof, he sees his broken form.

jimin wanted to take action but then again, he didn't want to ruin his pride. he didn't want people to see him with the most bullied person in school.

that was jimin's weakness. he wants to keep his pride safe. not wanting it to change. and yoongi could see it.

yoongi knows that jimin doesn't want his pride to change. yoongi doesn't even dare to go near jimin since he knew people would bully him even more due to jimin ignoring him.

"yah! midget!" someone called out to yoongi. he instantly knew it was taehyung. he ignored them and started walking faster but of course, jungkook caught up with him.

"aww... look at midget... trying to run away from us tae... how fucking cute..." jungkook said through gritted teeth.

"let me go," yoongi muttered. yoongi knew jungkook and taehyung could hear him, but they decided to tease him.

"hmm? what? say it again?" jungkook asked, his grip on yoongi's arms tightening. yoongi shut his eyes tightly. feeling the pain spread to his whole body.

"l-let me go!" yoongi repeated. jungkook let yoongi's arm go but still won't let him go. yoongi immediately caressed his arm that jungkook just let go.

"that hurts doesn't it, midget?" taehyung asked.

"stop calling me midget please..." yoongi asked nicely. taehyung leaned closer to yoongi's face.

"and what are you going to do with it?" taehyung asked, before giving yoongi a punch on the stomach. yoongi cried out in pain, clutching his stomach. yoongi then felt a kick on his left leg and then his right. then, a hand slapped him across his face.

"i think we're done here now... let's go kookie..." taehyung said to jungkook. they both left yoongi in the hallways, whimpering.

he tried to get up to his next class but his legs were hurting him. tears started to fall down his face.

he knew he wasn't good enough for anyone. he knew he wasn't good enough for someone to love him. he knew that he looked liked a freak.

but he still wondered why nobody would help him.

on the other side of the hallway, jimin was watching yoongi weeping silently. he witnessed the whole thing. now he understood why yoongi was always down and quiet in class.

"fucking hell. yoongi!" jimin yelled and ran towards the broken form in his sight. jimin doesn't care about his pride anymore. he wanted to do something about yoongi.

"fuck. yoongi. why won't you tell anyone about this?" jimin asked. yoongi shook his head quickly.

"why are you here?" yoongi asked through tears.

"what do you mean? i'm here to help you!" jimin exclaimed. jimin tried to carry yoongi brida style but yoongi pushed his hand away.

"w-what are you doing?! you want to look like a fool?! people will think you're crazy for hanging out with a crazy f-freak like me!" yoongi said. yoongi hated himself for calling himself freak but he was used to it.

"listen yoongi... you're not a freak ok? i know people might think i am a fool for hanging out with you but can't you see? i'm attracted to you. i'm worried about your broken form." jimin said. yoongi's heart fluttered.

"y-you do? you have f-feelings for a freak like me?" yoongi asked. jimin nodded and the older can't help but hug the younger.

"i love you so much yoongi..." jimin muttered.

"i love you too..." yoongi replied.



hope you guys liked this one! i am trying to make as many imagines as possible before my first day of school!

please note that i can't make as many imagines during my school time. thanks!!!

don't forget to comment, vote, and share!


(words: 820)

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