[ 41 ] BULLY.

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kim taehyung. the victim of min yoongi.

min yoongi has always been a bully for his whole life and everyone is afraid of him. no one dares to speak up to yoongi for bullying people. no one ever dares.

kim taehyung has a major crush on min yoongi, his bully. it's a bad case for when the victim of the bully falls in love with the bully.

why? because they get hurt easily. falls into depression.

kim taehyung doesn't have any friends which makes it worse. he has no one to pour his heart out, no one to let him cry on his shoulder. he doesn't tell his family about this because he doesn't want them to worry.

kim taehyung has gotten into depression on time in his life.

1. past relationships (meaning, people used him)

2. bullying (right now)

yes, taehyung has depression because of yoongi. he's not confident about his body like he used to in his past life.

"yah. kim taehyung. have any fucking many or not?" yoongi asked, his little minions following behind him, crossing their arms. taehyung quickly shook his head, lying.

yoongi scoffed and took taehyung's backpack, opening the zipper, and flipped the backpack upside down, making all the stuff inside drop down. making one this broke.

taehyung's necklace from his sister before she died.

taehyung's eyes watered and a whimper escaped his lips.

"no money eh? then what the fuck is this?" yoongi spat, showing taehyung the stack of money.

"p-please... that's the only m-money i have for f-food." taehyung whimpered. yoongi let out another scoff.

"as if i care." yoongi left, leaving taehyung crying in the halls, clutching the necklace in his hands tightly. like it would mend itself with his tight grip.

"i-i'm so sorry..." taehyung whispered, letting out another sob.


as the bell rung, taehyung arrived to class looking all... messed up we should say. everyone was shocked since taehyung was supposed to be earlier then all of them.

especially earlier then min yoongi.

"s-sorry... i-i had to take care of s-something..." taehyung mumbled, still holding the necklace in his tight grip.

yoongi let out - another - scoff. a quiet one though.

"it's ok taehyung. go take your seat." his teacher said.

taehyung sat at the very back, and edge of the class. he loves being alone, secure in his own little world, and being in his personal space. taehyung always paid attention to the teaching but this time, he didn't.

he was busy trying not to cry over the necklace that broke when yoongi flipped his backpack upside down. he knew it was wrong to have a liking on his bully but he can't help it.

taehyung was clutching the necklace so tight it made a cut on his arm.

"fuck!" taehyung accidentally cursed out loud which made the whole class looked at him.

"kim taehyung! language please!" the teacher exclaimed, shocked that taehyung cursed.

"s-sorry... m-may i go to the c-clinic, please? i-i accidentally cut my h-hand..." taehyung asked.

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