[ 102 ] TALKATIVE.

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the first time jeongguk sees taehyung, he thought that the boy would be a good friend to him since the boy looks so nice to hang out with. taehyung is a smart boy, willing to help people who needed help with their homework.

but when he was grouped together with taehyung, his thoughts about the boy changed. the boy was simple too talkative. every time jeongguk sat down next to him, taehyung would start rambling nonsense that wasn't even related to the topic of their project. jeongguk would always find himself getting annoyed every day just by hearing taehyung speak.

"you know, when i was little, i found myself looking into a lake near this school. apparently i was lost for almost two hours but i didn't realize until i heard people calling my name. my dad was furious but he was also still very worried. it's a good thing my mom was there or else he would've been more furious," taehyung giggled. "i actually thought my dad was going to hit me but he didn't."

jeongguk squeezed his eyes shut, hearing taehyung ramble on and on and on. he's so tired of hearing taehyung ramble and he just wishes that he would just be done with this project and not encounter taehyung anymore.

the bell rang, and jeongguk sighed in relief. he's free.

"oh, goodbye gguk! i'll see you soon!" taehyung yells, running off. gguk was a nickname jeongguk didn't agree to.


"hi, jeongguk!" taehyung says with a bright smile, walking up to jeongguk. the said boy sighed. all of his pent up anger towards taehyung has been kept inside a bottle, but today, maybe he might just burst.

"what do you want?"

"i just thought that since we're friends, i should talk to you more often." taehyung replies with a smile.

"we're not friends," jeongguk snaps. "and neither should you talk to me more often. our project is due tomorrow yet you're not finished. i'm sick and tired of waiting and patiently sitting as you ramble about things that aren't related to our project. if you just stop rambling for one class and just focus on your studies, maybe we would've been finished with this project. you have to stop rambling about things that aren't related to our project."

"i-i'm halfway finished-"

"i don't care! honestly, i would've wanted to be friends with you but you're pissing me off." jeongguk states.

"i-i tend to r-ramble a lot and not even n-notice-" taehyung started but jeongguk cut him off again.

"you don't know how many times i tried to just blow up and make you stop talking but i didn't want to because i thought that maybe you will get the signal," jeongguk yells in anger. "but you didn't. you were just there fucking talking about nonsense while i'm over here working."

"i-i can finish it tonight. i-i'm a f-fast-"

"you better finish it on time."

and jeongguk leaves, leaving taehyung crying on the floor.


"mr. jeon," his science teacher says. "where's taehyung?"

"i don't know," jeongguk shrugs. "i haven't seen him since lunch."

"well do you mind searching for him? i need to talk to him." his teacher says making jeongguk sigh. he steps out of the classroom and starts searching for taehyung.

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