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the boy who called out to taehyung, goes by the name of jeon jungkook. jungkook followed taehyung once he saw that he left.

taehyung was in deep thoughts when the volleyball hit his head. jungkook immediately took taehyung to where the others were.

"oh my- what happened jungkook?!" jin asked.

"he got hit with a volleyball... he was so deep in thoughts that he didn't see what was going on." jungkook quickly explained.

the sight of taehyung unconscious broke his heart.

"we should bring him back to the house. that way he'll be more comfortable when waking up." jimin suggested.


they went back to the house, with jungkook carrying taehyung bridal style. he placed taehyung on the bed.

"what were you thinking of until you didn't know the volleyball was coming towards you..." jungkook muttered to himself.


taehyung soon woke up around 2-3 hours later, due to how hard the ball had hit him.

he groaned and sat up, his head still hurting him.

"tae! you're up! good! it's time for dinner anyway!" jimin exclaimed. taehyung stood up, still unstable due to how dizzy he was. jimin was fortunate to catch him in time before falling down.

"you need food. everyone is waiting for you as well downstairs." jimin said softly and guided taehyung down to the kitchen.

"hyung! you're awake!" jungkook exclaimed happily. taehyung gave him a small smile, still remembering why he got hit by the ball.

taehyung sat down in between of jimin and yoongi, and across from jungkook.

"so, taehyung... care to explain what you were thinking of in the beach?" namjoon asked. the younger's eyes widened at the sudden question.

"oh... umm- well... nothing special to be honest- ya..." taehyung stuttered. he cursed himself in his mind for stuttering. 

namjoon raised his eyebrows and taehyung, while the younger only smiled innocently.

"you're not thinking about your past aren't you?" namjoon challenged.

taehyung's smile faltered a bit but then answered, "of course not."

the dinner had started but taehyung wasn't eating at all.

"aren't you hungry tae?" yoongi asked. the latter shook his head.

"i'm not hungry." 

"but you haven't eaten anything from when you passed out," hoseok said.

"i'm fine. i'm just not hungry." taehyung lied. he was actually starving but wanted to look skinny.

jin sighed. "ok. if you're hungry, tell me ok?" taehyung nodded and immediately left to his room.

and there... he broke down.



these parts are short because i want them to be :) the road trip "series" will have more than 5 parts i guess! 

i hope that this imagine is good enough to fulfill your imagination XD

don't forget to comment, vote, and share!


(words: 452)

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