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kookie 💞🐰

answer me

the said boy couldn't even look at his phone anymore. he's had enough of looking at his phone wallpaper and see how happy jungkook is looking towards taehyung. he refuses to believe that jungkook isn't in love with him but it's the truth and he has to face it.

taehyung had been crying for over hours and he couldn't stop it. he's hurt and he has to let his feelings out.

"i knew this was fucking wrong to confess to him! why did it do it anyway? right... because you thought that he loves you back and now look at yourself. crying. being a pathetic little bitch." a voice in taehyung's head spoke which only makes taehyung's cries worse.

he completely forgot that jungkook has a key to his house; because taehyung trusts jungkook with all his heart.

the front door suddenly opened and revealed a panting jungkook. the younger slowly walked up to taehyung's bedroom and sighed.

"you've got this jungkook. you've been friends with him for so long. just go inside and talk to him. it won't hurt." jungkook thought and opened the door slowly.

"taehyung. can i come in?" jungkook asked softly. taehyung gasped and quickly threw a pillow towards jungkook's direction, hitting jungkook in the face.

"ow!" jungkook exclaimed and glared at taehyung.

"s-sorry... what are you doing here? i thought i made it clear that i didn't want to see you anymore." taehyung asked and scooted farther in his bed.

jungkook sighed and sat down on the floor, knowing getting closer to taehyung will make things worse.

"taehyung... please let me explain... i-" taehyung was quick to cut jungkook of from being to bottled up.

"stop it! i knew that confessing to you was a bad idea but i couldn't help it! i was so ready to be in love again after- after what had happened in the past and you-" taehyung choked out a sob. "i just thought, that once in my life that someone would be able to love me back but i was wrong. so wrong. i thought you were in love with me but my hopes got too high that i am wrong. i hate being in this life where no one loves you back. do you know how it feels when every boy you were in a relationship in, used you? have you ever felt that? i bet now because... you're very lovable and kind." taehyung cried.

jungkook watched taehyung broke down. he wanted so badly to go to him and say that everything was ok but he didn't want taehyung to hate him even more.

"taehyung. at least let me explain things to you." jungkook said softly. taehyung sniffled and hugged his knees, slowly rocking back and forth. an action jungkook recognized.

"taehyung... i declined your feelings because i panicked. i am still not sure about my sexuality and i'm sorry for making my answer seem too harsh. i still need to figure out my sexuality and you know that..." jungkook began. "i have never tried to insult you one bit."

jungkook started to climb onto taehyung's bed and slowly hugged the crying taehyung.

"give me time and i'll tell you if i love you or not."



there will be a part 3 coming soon but i want to say that i'm very grateful for everyone who reads my imagine! thank you for coming this far and i love youuu 💕

(words: 580)

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