[ 55 ] PART TWO | "HI?"

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for a few weeks, jimin has not talked to yoongi.

yes, jimin knew that it was his fault for running away when yoongi confessed. jimin regretted doing it since now yoongi won't even eat in the lunchroom anymore, doesn't even try to look anywhere but the whiteboard in class and doesn't even wait for jimin when it was hometime.

yoongi's hurt and jimin can see it. jimin can clearly see the hurt in yoongi's eyes and saw how the older tried to hide it in every class their together.

every time yoongi lay his forehead on his arm, jimin knows that's what yoongi does whenever he wants to cry. whenever yoongi covers his face with a book, jimin knows that's just a way to cover the tear stain cheeks, swollen eyes, and red nose.

jimin tried talking to the older one but yoongi manages to find a way to avoid jimin. yoongi has always been quiet but jimin finds it very uncomfortable when yoongi doesn't answer a question the teacher asked him.

but today, as soon as school ends, jimin will go talk to yoongi whether he likes it or not.


jimin ran towards the exit and waited for yoongi to come out. and as soon as he saw the mint-haired boy, he pulled yoongi towards himself.

"j-jimin?" yoongi mumbled. jimin stayed quiet and made yoongi turn his body and face him.

"yoongi. we need to talk right now." jimin said sternly and pulled yoongi towards a park. yoongi was speechless as jimin pulled him out of the school.

jimin finally stopped at a deserted park. jimin sat down on a bench but yoongi stood there dumbly.

"why are you standing there? you look dumb you know." jimin said playfully.

yoongi immediately sat down on the bench next to jimin, both of them waiting for the other to say something.

yoongi finally said, "why am i here?"

"i wanted to explain things. i'm sorry for running of. i just... wasn't ready to commit my love to someone and i am trying very hard to say this to you yoongi but... i love you." jimin admitted. yoongi was speechless.

"i'm sorry that i didn't tell you sooner. i just... i'm afraid of having a relationship and maybe... maybe now i'm ready." jimin smiled and yoongi hugged him tightly, tears falling down his face.

"i love you much jiminie..." yoongi mumbled.

"i love you too yoon..." jimin said and smiled wider.



sorry for a short part 2 guys! i will be going somewhere this saturday so i am not able to update regularly!

don't forget to comment, vote, and share!


(words: 444)

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