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jimin quickly ran out of the school, not caring about the security that was guarding there. he ran straight to yeonji's house.

he knew taehyung was going to kill him but he didn't care. he just needed to apologize to yeonji and maybe take her out for ice cream.

jimin knocked on the door to reveal taehyung. an angry one once he saw jimin in front of him.

"what do you want to do here?" taehyung asked through his gritted teeth.

"look, i am only here to apologize to yeonji. i know i was wrong to yell at her. i broke up with jennie and-" taehyung cut jimin of.

"you broke up with jennie?! this is- this is great! ok, go to yeonji's room now." taehyung exclaimed and jimin was confused on taehyung's mood swings.

jimin walked inside quickly since taehyung might change his mind again.

jimin mentally prepared himself for whatever was going to happen inside the bedroom. he knocked on the door.

"hey yeonji-ah... can i come in?" jimin asked softly.

"g-go away! i don't want to s-see you right now!" jimin heard yeonji shout from inside. jimin sighed and opened the door, which he surprisingly saw it unlocked.

"stupid. if you didn't want anyone coming in, you perhaps could've locked the door." jimin lightly chuckled.

yeonji wasn't in the mood of laughing though. she kept on sulking as jimin sat next to her.




"what?" yeonji muttered.

jimin sighed. "i'm sorry. i forgot you hated when people raise their voices at you. i was just- i was to in love with jennie that i forgot about you... i'm sorry."

yeonji pouted, not responding to jimin. the older, who knows yeonji the best, did something that would make her instantly laugh.

he tickled her.

yeonji immediately laughed and started spasming around, trying to make jimin stop tickling her.

"stop it! stop! i forgive you!" yeonji said between laughs. jimin pulled away with a proud smile on his face.

"look. i came here because i broke up with jennie after knowing the truth. i want to take you out for ice cream like we always do. you in?" jimin asked. yeonji's eyes lit up.

"yes! yes! i'll just go get-" jimin quickly pulled her up.

"nope. we're going like this wether you like it or not." jimin stated and pulled yeonji's arm, ignoring yeonji's hitting on his arm.


they soon arrived at the ice cream parlour they always go to.

"ahh~ the couples! what can i get for you today?" the waiter asked.

"w-we're not-"

"yes. we'd like to get the usual please." jimin cut yeonji of by using another sentence. the waiter nodded and scooped the ice creams they usually get.

"that would be 2,500 won please." the waiter said. jimin fished out his wallet and paid before yeonji could.

jimin grabbed their ice creams and sat down on a table.

"yah. you knew i could pay right?" yeonji said.

"my treat for yelling at you." jimin said and ate his ice cream.

"second of all, why didn't you deny that we were couples?! you could've said the truth!" yeonji exclaimed.

"shush. eat your ice cream and we'll go to the park and just walk around." jimin shushed yeonji.


after eating ice cream, they headed to the park. walking around the park in silence were comforting for jimin and yeonji.

that is until jimin held yeonji's hand.

yeonji's eyes immediately widened and her cheeks were tinted with red.

"yah. yeonji. are you sick? your face is red." jimin asked, concerned.

"n-no. everything's fine." yeonji lied.

"right. ok." jimin answered suspiciously.



part 4 is done! i think i have the next one as the last one! i think though...

don't forget to comment, vote, and share!


(words: 636)

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