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"j-jennie was using jimin for more fame?! i need to tell him this!" yeonji thought. once she heard the doors shut, she went out of the stall.

she quickly went to find jimin who was still inside the library, reading a book.

"j-jimin! i need to tell you something important!" yeonji panted as she ran over to jimin.

"what is it?" jimin asked.

"jennie! she- she's just dating you for more fame!" yeonji exclaimed. jimin started laughing which made yeonji confused.

"you're joking, right? i can't believe you're making a joke about this." jimin continued to laugh.

"i'm serious! i heard her talking in the restroom!" yeonji defended.

"what? you're jealous, aren't you? you're just jealous that i get to have a girlfriend? you're jealous that you don't have someone to love you right?" jimin started raising his voice at yeonji.

yeonji's breath hitched. "you're jealous that you don't have someone to love you right?"

"h-how could you say this to me?" yeonji asked, her voice cracking at the end.

"then why would you say such lies to me?!" jimin roared. yeonji flinched. jimin has never raised his voice with yeonji.

jimin's eyes soften as he saw tears rolling down yeonji's cheek.

"y-yeonji. i-" jimin tried wiping her tears away but his hand got pushed away.

"stop. if you want to not believe me then it's your c-choice. i just- i care about- forget it." yeonji dashed out of the library and ran out of the school.

she went to the park she always goes with jimin. she fished out her phone and clicked on instagram and posted a photo saying she'll deactivate.


Liked by: parkjiminie, and kimtaetae

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Liked by: parkjiminie, and kimtaetae

kimyeonjiii : sorry guys. i'll deactivate for a while. just trying to get my mind off of stuff.


parkjiminie : are you ok? i'm sorry for yelling at you before...


kimtaetae : tell me where you are right now.

she saw taehyung's comment and quickly dm'ed him.


i'm in the park me and jimin always go to

right. i am coming there right now and you'll
tell me what is happening k?


yeonji waited for taehyung to come while tears were streaming down her cheeks. she didn't care that both of them had school. she needed someone to comfort her now.

taehyung soon arrived and saw his younger sister's state. he quickly ran over to her and hugged her as tight as possible.

"oh my- tell me what happened right now. why did jimin yell at you? what happened. shh... don't cry..." taehyung rambled. yeonji hugged taehyung tighter and started sobbing again on taehyung's chest.

"j-jimin. h-he yelled at m-me because i-i told him j-jennie only dated him f-for more fame. h-he didn't believe my w-words." yeonji explained through her cries.

"see? this is why i told you to not fall in love easily!" taehyung warned.

"e-easy for you to s-say! l-lisa loves you back! w-why can't i find the r-right man f-for me?!" yeonji cried.

"shh... you're going to find the right man soon ok? trust me. jimin will soon find out and regret yelling at you. i promise you. let's go home ok?" taehyung said softly.

yeonji nodded and they both headed home.


as for jimin, he was frustrated at himself. he yelled at yeonji, knowing that she doesn't like to get yelled at.

"jimin baby! sorry for taking so- what's wrong?" jennie asked.

"you. are you actually dating me because you love me or for fame?" jimin asked.

"w-what? of course not! i love you!" jennie lied.

"tell me the fucking truth! i don't want to date someone who was just using me for fame!" jimin yelled.

jennie finally scoffed. "so yeonji told you? did she hear me in the restroom? well, good for you. i got more famous now because of you. now if you excuse me, i'm breaking up with you and i'll be going to my friends." jennie left.

"why does my life have to be so unfair?" jimin sighed. "wait, how am i going to apologize to yeonji though?"



heheheheheheh... i did left on a "cliffhanger" i think? i am making these parts fast because i actually like this story XD. even lindy thinks i update to fast for this hahahaha.

update: i'm sorry that im using blackpink members as the names of taehyung and jimin's girlfriends. dont attack me bcs of this pls. i was just too lazy to think of any other names

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(words:  788)

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