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i like hoseok

1 hour ago

taehyung knew this was something he expects from jeongguk, but why does it hurt so much? why does it feel like everything in his world has crumbled down, knowing he won't be able to have a chance with jeongguk anymore? why does it always have to be him?

taehyung doesn't know what's wrong with him but tears are starting to fall down his cheeks, leaving wet trails. he furiously tries to stop the tears but fails to do so, only making more fall. he doesn't want to be seen so pathetic and weak but that's probably what he gets for not realizing his feelings for jeongguk sooner.

a ding! was heard from taehyung's phone but the boy made no move to open it. he was too busy with himself that it was probably something important he ignored.


y'all people should be in my house in less than 20 minutes. i have something i want to tell you people. if you don't come, i'll beat ur asses

seokjin tapped his feet as he patiently waited for taehyung to arrive. the others has arrived and he was shocked to see that jeongguk arrived with hoseok, not taehyung.

"okay," seokjin turned to jeongguk. "where the fuck is taehyung? you're his best friend and you practically go everywhere with him. text him or something! i don't want to start this without him!"

jeongguk gulped and took his phone out. he opened snapchat and texted taehyung.

seokjin hyung is going to be angry if you don't come here instantly
please hurry
we don't want to stay here until midnight

2 minutes ago

as another ten minutes passed, taehyung still has not arrived. namjoon bit his lip, knowing seokjin was getting impatient as the hour goes by.

"okay," seokjin once again says, turning to jeongguk. "where is he? i thought you texted him! he's always with his phone!"

"i-i don't know!" jeongguk cried out. "m-maybe it has to be about something i said? i don't know!"

seokjin narrowed his eyes. "and exactly, what did you say?"

jeongguk gulped in fear. he knew taehyung was seokjin's favorite "child", so he must be in deep trouble. "i-i told him that i didn't love him anymore. th-that i love hoseok."

everything was silent before seokjin yelled. "you what?!"

"i-i told him that i-i didn't l-love him anymore," jeongguk said. he knew that was a lie. he still loved taehyung with all his heart but he had to lie; taehyung had hurt him in many ways so he wanted to have revenge.

"oh for god sake!" seokjin cries. "do you know what he's been through? all his life he's been hiding his sexuality to be away from all the pain his parents have given him! he didn't want everything to repeat again!"

namjoon stood up and caressed seokjin's back softly, calming his boyfriend down a bit. seokjin pinched the bridge of his nose. "what are we going to do? we can't just let him cry alone, joonie."

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