[ 75 ] MUSIC.

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music was something jeongguk has always loved since he was little. every day, he goes to a singing lesson which leads to him being very good at singing.

his favorite idol at the moment is g-dragon.

jeongguk looks up to him like he has never seen anyone with such good talent at things.

fun fact; jeongguk's ideal type is someone who can rock him to sleep with a single song that is sung by his boyfriend.

jeongguk smiles as he thinks of a person who would actually do that—

holy shit... is that someone singing a bigbang song? jeongguk thinks to himself.

jeongguk approaches the boy and was surprised to see his classmate, kim taehyung.

"taehyung! hey!" jeongguk waved and taehyung noticed.

"jeongguk, right? what brings you here?"

"well... i—uhm—heard you singing by accident... and it isn't like your voice is bad, no! i swear, it sounds so beautiful!" jeongguk blurted out, feeling embarrassed as taehyung started to laugh.

"thanks, i guess... i think i heard from someone that you take vocal lessons?" jeongguk nodded, "do you mind if you sing a bit for me?"

jeongguk blushes, "no, no, no~ i won't. i swear, my voice sounds so bad."

"i can assure you it isn't. if you try and sing for me then i will know for sure that your voice sucks or not." taehyung presses and jeongguk sighs.

"i-if you wish."

jeongguk then started singing "if you" by bigbang. he looked at taehyung and he was met with a big smile which made him blush and quickly look away while messing up the lyrics.

taehyung giggled, "me smiling makes you mess up?"

jeongguk blushed even deeper, "i-i didn't know you were going to stare at me! i got nervous, that's it! n-not your smile or anything!"

taehyung laughed loudly this time, his laughter filling jeongguk's ear. that triggered jeongguk's laughter sense and started laughing with taehyung too.

as soon as they both stopped laughing, they had tears in their eyes and taehyung looked like he was about to die from laughter.

"st-stop laughing! y-you look like you're about to—" jeongguk started giggling again when he was speaking. taehyung started laughing too and this resulted in them scooting farther away from each other to calm down.

once they finally did, they faced each other with tears in their eyes.

"h-hey. mind if i get your number? we can contact each other easily that way." taehyung says with a smile.

jeongguk nods, quickly pulling out his phone so that taehyung can type in his phone number, and him doing the same.

"see you soon, gguk."

a/n: this is so short and more like a friendship one-shot so... hehe forgive me :D

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