[ 59 ] PART FOUR | "IT'S OKAY"

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it's been weeks since taehyung and jungkook actually spoke to each other. despite them being close bandmates, they were now distant.

yoongi, in particular, was the one that is the most worried about taehyung. he rarely shows his boxy smile anymore and it's worrying yoongi.

"taehyung... you need to eat. you're going to fall sick." yoongi murmured loud enough through taehyung's bedroom door.

"g-go away... i don't need food right now... i sneak some at night anyway..." taehyung responded, his voice weak.

yoongi sighed and went back downstairs to the kitchen. there, he sees seokjin with hopeful eyes staring right back at him.

"he's not going to eat... hyung what are we going to do?" yoongi asks. seokjin's face fell. he looked at jungkook who was too busy eating his breakfast.

"kook. you should go and try to bring him down." namjoon says. jungkook choked on his food and drank big gulps of water.


"i said you go there and bring taehyung down."

"i'm sorry but i think you have the wrong person. taehyung will not even listen to me. we haven't spoken in weeks, joon hyung. weeks." jungkook pointed out. he personally wanted taehyung to eat but he wasn't sure.

"but kook, you're the only one that taehyung will listen to. when you were still dating him — don't even glare at me — you were the only one that can talk to taehyung about anything. even make him calm down when he's angry." namjoon says.

jungkook sighs as he places down his spoon and fork. "fine. but if it doesn't work, don't blame me."

jungkook got up from his seat and climbed up the stairs, reaching taehyung's bedroom in no time. jungkook sighs as he knocks on the door.

"tiger? come on, you need to eat. you haven't eaten in days and—"

"if n-namjoon hyung sent you up here then tell him it isn't working... i don't want to eat and that's final!" taehyung exclaims weakly. jungkook sighs.

"please, tiger... we're all worried about you— hell even i'm worried about you! you haven't come out of your room unless it's for something really important." jungkook says.

he heard footsteps nearing him and the door swung open.

it revealed taehyung, looking tired as fuck; he has dark circles around his eyes, his skin pale, and he was way skinnier than he used to.

"god, tae... what have you done to yourself?" jungkook whispers as he steps closer to taehyung.

taehyung scoffs weakly. "i don't even know why you're still calling me tiger... i'm not your boyfriend anymore, jungkook. jimin's your fiance and you're about to marry him soon. shouldn't you be worried about him rather than me?"

"tae, you know i can worry about you... i worry about everyone—"

"i know, jungkook... but it doesn't feel right anymore. i don't even deserve anyone anymore," taehyung trailed off, "i'm sorry but i don't feel like eating right—"

"i still love you." jungkook accidentally blurted out. he didn't mean to get those words out. well, jungkook wasn't in love with taehyung like he used to but he needs to say this in order for taehyung to eat.

taehyung's eyes widened and his face visibly lightened up. "wh-what?"

jungkook gulped. "i-i'm sorry... i don't know why i said that. i wanted to say that to jimin... d-don't get your hopes up too high please."

taehyung bit his lip. "i-i know... i know you didn't mean it for me... i'm just a toy to you, right?"

"god, taehyung! stop being stubborn for once! this is why i hate you! you're way too stubborn for me! stop being stubborn and listen to me for once!" jungkook huffs, "i don't love you anymore, that's already out, i know! but know that i still care for you even if i don't love you, okay? people don't have to be in love with each other to care for them."

"th-then tell me why people bully me? tell me why p-people used to bully me when i was younger? tell me why i get bullied because of my sexuality? j-just tell me why i'm not loved, back in middle school?" taehyung whispers as tears run down his face, "i am stubborn because of my past, jungkook. i can't help but feel like i can't just get attached to a person for too long. i used to be the type of person who gets attached to a person immediately when they act nice to me. maybe that's why they bullied me in middle school, right?"

jungkook's facial features softened. he didn't know that taehyung got bullied during middle school. taehyung has never been open about his childhood, even to jungkook.

"tae, i didn't know about this..." jungkook softly says.

taehyung wiped his tears as he laughed without any emotions. "i know. that's why i decided to tell you now... you aren't my boyfriend anymore which hurts me. i just want to tell you that i still love you... i know you're not going to change your mind about marrying jimin but just know... that i'm probably not going to be on your wedding day. it hurts too much for me to know that you're standing there up front with a person that isn't me. that you're saying your wedding vows to someone who isn't me. to someone who you love that isn't me..."

jungkook looked at taehyung who has tears dripping down from his eyes. he didn't even bother trying to wipe his tears away so jungkook wiped them for him.

taehyung didn't even bother moving his head because he knew jungkook would keep his hands firmly there.

"i still love you, jeon jungkook."

jungkook looked at taehyung with eyes—


"wh-what? what happened?" taehyung asks as soon as he realizes he's asleep on his bed with jungkook next to him.

"you were having a nightmare. you couldn't stop mumbling 'it's ok' and 'i still love you'. you were literally crying and i can't wake you up. what were you even dreaming about?" jungkook asks as concern laced his voice.

taehyung looked around confused. "what? we're still together? you're not marrying jimin? what's happening?"

"what? me? marrying jimin? nope. not happening. why are you even like this? i'm still your boyfriend you big doofus. what's wrong with you? jimin's marrying yoongi, remember? i thought we told you this already." jungkook asks as he laughs.

taehyung wiped his sweat away. everything was a dream.

"nothing... everything's okay... i'm fine now." taehyung smiles.

jungkook laughs and hugged taehyung, gently placing his down on the bed again. "go back to sleep, tiger. it's still three in the morning..."

taehyung hummed and closed his eyes, breathing in the smell of jungkook's scent.

everything was just a dream. him and jungkook were still together. jimin was not marrying jungkook but marrying yoongi. jungkook's still in love with taehyung. everything is okay...

a/n: i think none of you expected this ending did ya? dheheheheheheheh i hope this was okay though. i was typing so fast since i have an idea for a great ending hehe

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