[ 18 ] FAKE LOVE.

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(SONG BASED IMAGINE! Bolded and italicized words are the lyrics!)

Yoongi's POV

I have never believed in love before. I have never even tried to love anyone after the incident that has happened... The love that I received was all fake. The girl I love used me to get closer to Jimin. Yes. Used me to get closer to Park Jimin...

Here's the beginning of the story...


"I love you, Ara!" I exclaimed. She smiled.

"I love you too Yoongi," she said softly. She suddenly frowned and that's when I realize something is wrong...

"What's the matter, baby?" I asked.

"Yoongi I... I need to break up with you... It's all for the best..." she said. My eyes widened and I could hear my heart breaking into pieces...

"W-What do you mean to break up with me for the best? Ara p-please tell me that this is a joke..." I said to her. My voice cracking in between words.

She shook her head.

"I'm sorry Yoongi. I have to go. Please take care of yourself." she said and left.

*3 years later*

"Jisoo-ah! Be careful!" I called out to my cousin, Jisoo.

"I'm going to be fine uncle Yoongi!" Jisoo said. I chuckled lightly, following him to the swings.

"Jisoo look. There's another girl here! Let's go-" I got cut off by a familiar sound talking.

"Yoongi? L-Long time no see." the voice spoke. I looked up and saw her. 

"A-Ara..." I mumbled.

"Is that your kid?" she asked.

"N-No... It's my cousin's child. I'm taking him out for the day t-today..." I said.

"O-Oh... Well... Did you find-" she got cut off by the little kid on the swing.

"Daddy!" she exclaimed and ran to him. My eyes followed her and saw... Jimin...

"Hi, Sarang! Baby! Why- Yoongi h-hyung..." he stuttered out. Jimin's eyes were looking at Ara then me.

"Y-You... How could you Jimin?" I said. Tears were threatening to fall down.

"H-Hyung I can-" I didn't hear him anymore... I was already running away from the park we were in, holding Jisoo's hand in mine.

Flashback over

I never knew that behind all the things that we have done beautifully, was all fake. She never showed the signs of false love towards me.

Every time we wanted to go out on a date, she'll always say she's busy when she is out with Jimin. 

The worst part is, that Jimin knew what was going on between me and Ara...

I have changed throughout the years... Ever since Jimin betrayed me and Ara used me to get closer to Jimin... I became cold. 

Not even believing in the name of love.

I didn't even eat much anymore because I missed Ara's cooking. I would only eat ramen and that's it. I never go out anymore. Not even caring about my state. 

I would drink. I would buy beer online to be delivered to my house so that I won't have to go out.

Taehyung, my other friend, was worried about me. He's my friend that I could trust easily. I could feel that he won't betray me, just like Jimin.

"For you, I could pretend like I was happy when I was sad"

"Yoongi hyung... You need to at least get out of here for once." Taehyung begged. I didn't budge.

"Hyung! Please! Just for the sake of me! Get out of this house and get some fresh air or something!" Taehyung exclaimed. I groaned.

"Fine. Just for you. I will." I stated. Taehyung cheered.

"Great! I'll stay here and order some food for you!" he said. I closed the door behind me. The sunlight kissed my skin and blinded my eyes. It was hard for me to get used to the light after 2 years...

The sound of the car honking was heard in my ears but I didn't even get to look. I was thrown in the air.

My wish for dying is granted...

I hit the ground hard, my head banging on the road. I couldn't see who the person that hit me was.

"O-Oh god... Yoongi! Yoongi!" I heard someone exclaimed. 

2 people appeared on top of me but I couldn't see them clearly.

Maybe I was meant to die rather than waiting for her to come back to me.

"H-Hyung! Stay awake us p-please!" another voice exclaimed.

The voices sound so familiar though I don't know who they are anymore.

"J-Jimin! C-Call the ambulance!" she exclaimed.

Ara and Jimin... They were the ones that hit me...

"A-Ara..." I mumbled. My shaking hand was reaching up to her face.

"Yes... Yoongi... Me and Jimin are h-here... I-" I cut her off.

"Y-You don't... need to apologize... I realized that... I had no other chance of living... I love you both equally... Please take care of... each other... Take care of Taehyung for me too... ok?" I begged. My last wish for them...

"Y-Yoongi hyung you'll be fine! I promise you!" Jimin exclaimed. I weakly smiled.

"This was my wish J-Jimin... T-To hears\ your voices before I d-die..." I breathed out my last breath... Before falling into darkness...

"For you, I could pretend like I was strong when I was hurt"




I literally cried watching the music video. It was so beautiful and the lyrics were relatable to me... The lyrics are from the song, but in English though... THE LYRICS ARE TO RELATABLE THAT I CRIED WATCHING THE MUSIC VIDEO!

*clears throat* anyways... I hope you liked this imagine! Sorry that it didn't have a happy ending like my other imagines...

Don't forget to comment, vote and share!


(words: 953)

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