[ 92 ] KITTY CAT.

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yoongi has always been someone longing for affection; he loves hugs, kisses, and holding hands. the problem was only one thing. he'll turn into a cat once someone holds his hands which were somewhat a really frustrating thing. yeah, people coo every time they see him but he just wants to be a normal guy.

namjoon was his best friend. someone who he can rely on. someone who won't make fun of him whenever he turns. yoongi rarely goes out because he knew there will be people making fun of him.

"hey, yoongi," namjoon called out. "my cousin is going to be visiting me and i've told him about you. he seems interested."

"what do you mean interested?"

"well, i didn't tell him about your... condition, but rather your talents. he seems to want to make friends with you once he gets here." namjoon explained in details.

"well, what's his name?" yoongi asks as he kept on writing music.

"park jimin."

"how the hell are you cousins with him?" yoongi asks out of nowhere. "i mean, your last name is kim and his last name is park. how-?"

"too lazy to explain," namjoon sighs. "anyway, how's it going with the lyrics?"

yoongi shrugged. "meh. wanna see?"

"sure." namjoon reached over to yoongi, accidentally brushing over his hand.



yoongi turned into a cat.

"oh my god—i'm so sorry!" namjoon said, looking a bit concerned. yoongi could only meow at him, making namjoon smile sheepishly.

"i'm sure you'll find your soulmate soon, yoongs." namjoon says to the cat, making yoongi meow again.

it was the day of when namjoon's cousin was going to arrive. yoongi was a bit fearful, thinking that jimin might make fun of him. but from what yoongi has heard from namjoon, jimin seems like a nice person.

"yoongi are you sure you're okay with jimin staying over at your house until i manage to clean out the guest room?" namjoon asks for the hundredth time today.

"i said it's okay, joon! it's the least i can do for you!" yoongi complained childishly, making namjoon laugh.

"sometimes i wonder if you're an adult or a child." namjoon says as he shook his head. yoongi glared at namjoon.

"he might be arriving soon so you better look... presentable." namjoonsays as he gestures at yoongi's clothes.

yoongi scowls as he looks down at his clothes. "there's nothing wrong with my—"

the doorbell rang.

jimin was actually here.

namjoon opened the door, hugging his cousin tightly. "jimin! i'm so happy that you're actually here!"

"hyungie~ i missed you so much!" jimin whines cutely, finally noticing yoongi's figure in the back. "yoongi hyung! namjoon has told me a lot about you!"

he rushed forwards to shake yoongi's hand.

"wait, jimin no—"

too late, jimin shook yoongi's hand.

except, nothing happened.

namjoon gasped loudly. "what—"

"what's wrong, joonie hyung?" jimin asks, confused to why namjoon was so shocked.

yoongi alone was also shocked. jimin was his soulmate? apparently, the answer was yes since this situation occurred.

"i—uhm—i'm yoongi and you know that already." yoongi finally spoke after a few minutes holding jimin's hand.

things were going pretty well.

it has been a few weeks since jimin entered min yoongi's household. everything between them was going perfectly fine, nothing weird has happened.

except for the fact that yoongi turned into a cat when namjoon accidentally held his hand. right in front of jimin.

"h-h-hyung... WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK DID YOU DO TO YOONGI HYUNG?" jimin yelled in fright. namjoon looked at yoongi and he actually nodded, telling namjoon that it was okay.

"well," namjoon started. "y-yoongi has this... thing? where he can't touch other people's hand except for his... well... soulmate."

jimin was stunned for a second before speaking. "s-so you mean that i'm his soulmate?"

yoongi meowed and circled jimin's ankles, rubbing his head on jimin's leg. jimin's heart swelled and crouched down to pat yoongi's head.

"hi, soulmate."

a/n: this was so short omg im so sorry skdoeksd

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