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jeongguk watches the small, petite boy gathering the flowers through the gates that divides heaven and hell. jeongguk has always been keeping an eye over the boy, named taehyung. but he knew that he wasn't allowed to cross the gates.

well, that was when he was little.

now that he has grown older, and a much more rebel, jeongguk steps as close as he could to the gates, so that he could take a full look at the boy. the younger (jeongguk assumed he was younger, judging by the fact that he was still so small) grew, but he looked like he hadn't matured. maybe it was the nature of an angel to not mature fast, but jeongguk found it adorable.

being the son of a demon was hard. he so badly wants to cross the gates but he was afraid of what his father would say. well, he was way powerful than his father, since his father has grown old and weaker, but the king was still a king. jeongguk never wants to disappoint his father, but his love for the angel was too powerful, and love was something that his father could not allow in hell.

so one day, he decided to be brave. when no guard was looking, he slipped past the tall gates, and into heaven. the gate could only open by the royal family, meaning that jeongguk didn't have any problems with opening the gate. he hid behind a wall, once again finding the angel in the garden, picking out flowers, humming a tune.

taehyung has always been a happy kid, jeongguk noticed that. taehyung had always been close to everyone in heaven, especially with this girl, naeun.

jeongguk could tell that the girl had feelings for taehyung, but the boy was so oblivious with her feelings, that he would only laugh and think it's a joke when the girl told him she likes him. of course, jeongguk found it funny how the girl would get hurt but still be friends with taehyung, trying again every so often.

but today seems different. maybe taehyung finally realizes that naeun has been confessing her true feelings to him, since today, jeongguk himself witnessed taehyung getting hit.

"taehyungie?" naeun approaches the boy, tapping his shoulder. taehyung looks up at her, flowers tucked on his ear.


"i-i know i've been saying this a thousand times already, but you should know that i am really in love with you. i-i don't know what you think i was joking when i told you i am in love with you, but i really am." naeun softly says, voice not loud but taehyung heard her.

taehyung's eyes widened. "u-uhm..."

"why?! i thought you would've seen me more than a friend when i am always spending a lot of time with you?! my other friends have always supported me in taking a liking in you, but you decided to think my feelings for you is a joke!" naeun exclaims. she got too frustrated that she wasn't thinking straight and hits taehyung across the face.

of course, jeongguk seeing this made him got super angry, his blood bioling. he stomps his way to taehyung and naeun, grabbing taehyung.

"don't you ever fucking dare touch taehyung again, do you understand?" jeongguk shouts, naeun shaking in fear. "i said, do you understand?"

naeun nodded, before running off to somewhere. jeongguk's anger slowly cooled down, and he was able to face taehyung, who looked shocked.

"m-mister, who are you?" taehyung asks, his right hand unconsciously rubbing over the part when naeun had hit him.

jeongguk smiles. "no need to worry. i'll take you home."

taehyung hesitated, before letting jeongguk take him (he doesn't really have a house. taehyung would usually sleep in his friends house). when he realizes that jeongguk was getting closer to the gates, he stops forcefully.

"w-wait but i-i'm not allowed-"

"shh, just let me take you home, and i'll show you that my place is much better than the one here." jeongguk says, pressing his finger on taehyung's lips to cut him off. he then starts walking, slowly at first, but then started gaining speed as taehyung became curious with his surroundings.

when jeongguk was about to enter his kingdom, taehyung gasped.

"w-wait, you're-?"

"yes, i am. now, be quiet, okay?" jeongguk says.

the guards that were guarding the front gate of the kingdom looked so shocked. they have never seen an angel walk with the prince of hell, and they clearly knew that angels weren't allowed in hell, but of course, they knew better to not protest anything to jeongguk.

as jeongguk approaches to the throne room, he saw his father sitting there.

"hello father, i have brought-"

"jeongguk! how dare you bring an angel! especially to my throne room! you, out of all the people in this world should know that an angel isn't allowed to enter hell! how-"

"father!" jeongguk shouts, making taehyung flinch in his hold. "he is the one i love, and you shall not permit me into loving him!"

his father had already known since little, that jeongguk was going to be way stronger than him, so all he could do was sigh and nod.

"okay," jeongguk's father said. "i'll let you keep this angel. but if dares ruin our kingdom, i will not hesitate to throw both of you out, got it?"

jeongguk nods, bringing taehyung to his chamber. the younger had wide eyes, looking at the decorations that were placed all around the castle. the boy, of course, has never been inside somewhere that's fancy.

"from now on," jeongguk starts. "you will be sleeping here, in my chamber. i permit you into going back. your life here would be much better than the one you had, okay?"

taehyung could only nod, sitting down slowly on the bed.


it had been years since jeongguk brought taehyung into hell. jeongguk's father had died, and jeongguk had became the king of hell, taehyung becoming the queen. they ruled peacefully never getting into fights with one another.

taehyung, you could say, was much happier than how he was in his old life. he loved being the queen of hell, and jeongguk could say that being brave enough to go outside the gates and bringing taehyung back was a decision he was grateful he did.

"my queen," jeongguk approaches taehyung, kissing his hand.

"my king," taehyung mocks.

a/n: lol we dont talk about this ending :)

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