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their lips touched, not moving at all. jimin's eyes were closed but yeonji's were wide open.

jimin pulled away softly before connecting their foreheads together. yeonji could feel jimin's soft breathing on her face.

"did you just-?" jimin nodded before yeonji could finish her sentence.

"i like you too yeonji... i realized how much i liked you when we started to hang out more... i'm sorry for doubting you when we fought... i love you so damn much..." jimin confessed. "and i know you like me too since taehyung told me."

yeonji gasped as she cursed taehyung in her head. jimin chuckled. he opened his mouth to say something but the ride stopped.

"welcome back! i hope you enjoyed the ride! we have photos next to here where it shows when you guys are at the very top. thank you!" the worker waved jimin and yeonji goodbye.

they went to the photo booth and saw them together kissing. they both smiled as they find it very cute.

jimin decided to purchase two of the photos, one for him and one for yeonji.

"so... umm... what are we now?" yeonji asked.

"what do you want us to be?" jimin asked back.

"we could be a c-couple... if that's what you want too! i'm perfectly fine if-" jimin shushed yeonji.

"then yes. we're a couple now." jimin said. yeonji smiled. they walked to the car, hands intertwined, with smiles on their faces.


as soon as they reached yeonji's house, taehyung immediately pulled both of them in, asking if they started dating already.

lisa was also there.

taehyung let jimin have a sleepover in their house. yeonji practically felt very happy that day, on august 26, 2018.

"jimin-ah..." yeonji mumbled. jimin hummed.

"this is the best birthday present i have ever got..." yeonji shyly said. jimin gave her his famous eye smile.

"i'm glad you are happy as well... goodnight baby..." jimin said and cuddled with yeonji.


the next morning, jimin heard a snap of a camera phone. he squinted his eyes due to the brightness and saw taeyhung looking at them, smiling.

"yah! delete that- wait nevermind, send that to me right now." jimin mumbled as he was still sleepy and doesn't want to wake yeonji up.

"aww... you guys are so cute together! i might post this online but like... nah... i'll rather post me and lisa's selfies." taehyung said and left the room.

yeonji stirred in her sleep and woke up. her hair was a mess and her face was puffy.

"what time is it?" she asked jimin groggily.

"9:30 sweetheart. we should wake up now." jimin said. jimin stretched and groaned, feeling his muscles stretch.

"but i don't want to wake up chim..." yeonji whined. 

she does love sleeping. just like her other best friend, min yoongi.

"you don't want to have lunch with me? why are you like yoongi-hyung so much?" jimin whined and pouted. he wanted yeonji to be like him (which we don't know why).

"go shower first. i'm going to just lay here and wait for you to finish showering," yeonji said and slumped back down on the bed.


after a few minutes, jimin came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist.

yeonji blushed madly as she saw his toned abs. jimin smirked.

"like what you see?" jimin asked teasingly.

"shut up! you know perfectly well that i love your-" she quickly covered her mouth before blurting out any other words.

jimin smirked. yeonji quickly grabbed her clothes and undergarments and shut the bathroom door.


after yeonji finished showering, she came out and saw jimin dressed so handsomely.

after yeonji finished showering, she came out and saw jimin dressed so handsomely

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yeonji stared at him in awe. 

"how can he be my boyfriend now? am i dreaming? please tell me i'm not..." yeonji thought as she looked at jimin.

jimin finally looked up from his phone. "what?" he asked innocently. 

"uh... nothing... let's go?" yeonji said, more like asked. jimin nodded and grabbed both his and yeonji's phone.

as they walked downstairs, they saw taehyung and lisa cuddling with each other while watching the tv.

"tae. i'm going out with yeonji 'k? i'll return her later at night." jimin said. taehyung immediately shot up.

"what time? don't you dare bring her back home at like... 1:00 in the morning." taehyung warned as he glared at jimin.

"ya, ya... i promise we'll be back at 12:59." jimin jokingly said, which earned him a smack on his head.

"yah! don't you even dare!" taehyung said. jimin waved him off and grabbed yeonji's hand, lacing them together.

"so... where do you want to go now... baby?"  jimin asked.



THE END. heheeheheh i did end at a cliffhanger for this. i just don't know how to end it! you may use your imagination for the continuation of this story!

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(words: 836)

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