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mina's POV

"i can't believe you, park jimin! how could you do this to me?"i shouted. jimin's best friend, jihyun, sent me this photo of jimin with a girl, and he told me that jimin was cheating on me with that girl. i didn't know jimin agreed to come to a club, which makes it even worse.

"what do you mean?! i don't know what you're talking about!" jimin replies.

"no, you perfectly know that what i'm talking about! jihyun told me everything, starting from the beginning you saw the girl. jihyun took a photo of you two, and how could you say you weren't cheating on me, when you're holding the girl's waist!" i said with tears in my eyes.

"i'm not lying to you, okay?! jihyun is only trying to make us separate so that he can be with you! you have no idea how long he has been wanting to take you away from me!" jimin exclaims, raising his voice.

"why would your best friend do this to you! he's been your best friend since elementary, there's no way he would do this to you!" you yelled.

"he changed, okay! people change! jihyun changed in a bad way, and i have always wanted to try and change him back to the old jihyun i know, but i always fail!" jimin yells back. "and for that girl... she's my cousin, okay? i only held her waist because she was about to fall!"

your mouth was wide opened, no words coming out of it. now you felt embarrassed and angry at jihyun for doing this to jimin.

"i-i'm sorry," you whispered, head facing to the floor. "i-i didn't want to get angry at you, i swear. but you didn't tell me about g-going to the club and i was just worried that you were going to do things behind my back."

jimin came closer, hugging you tightly. "i'm also sorry, okay? i didn't talk to you about going to the club, and i feel like this whole thing is my fault. i promise i will tell you when i go out, okay?"

"okay," you smiled in his chest. "b-but now i'm embarrassed for getting mad at you!"

you hear jimin laugh. "it's okay to let out your feelings once in a while. honestly, i was waiting for you to snap at me since forever, and the day has come."

"oh, so you want me to become mad at you more?" you asked, looking up at him. jimin shakes his head with a small laugh.

"of course not. i want my happy mina," jimin replies. "now let's go sleep, okay? i'll shower first and i'll be next to you in ten minutes."

you nodded, feeling happy.

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