[ 7 ] HYBRID.

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ara's POV

here i am, sitting in the living room with my hybrid boyfriend. yes, jimin is a black panther hybrid and i found out about this two months ago. it was something really shocking, but me and the other seven boys have coped with it.

"jimin are you coming?" taehyung asked.

"where are you guys going again?" jimin asks back.

"amusement park. coming?" jungkook replies.

"no," jimin says before laying down on my thighs. "i'm staying home with ara."

"hm," seokjin hums. "okay, we'll be off now! don't destroy the house, jimin."

"yeah, yeah!" jimin replies with a small laugh at the end. the front door closes. "i'm going to take a nap now." jimin says, and just like that, he's out like a light. his black ears twitched cutely while he slept. i double-checked to make sure he was asleep before slowly tracing the outline of his ears. i scratched them slowly and i could hear a small purr coming out from jimin.

i grinned, hearing the sounds coming from my boyfriend. i experimentally scratched harder, and his mouth parted in pleasure. i looked down only to see jimin looking at me with his big, yellow eyes. i yelped in shock and dug my fingers a little harder in his scalp. he moaned as his neck arched.

"oh my god! are you okay? did it hurt?" i asked, worried. he only hummed in response before grabbing my hand and put it behind his ear again. hesitantly, i scratched again.

"ara can you..." jimin stops midway, looking up at me with his eyes. "harder,"

i froze in shock before applying more pressure and dug my fingernails along his scalp. a loud mewl escaped from jimin, squirming and arching uncomfortably on my thighs. his tail hooked around my ankle, tightening and loosening at some point.

jimin could only whimper when i slowed down my movements, and he nudged my hand whenever i went too slow. i was afraid that i would hurt him, but he made no signs of hurt. i switched to his other ear, and he gave the same reaction.

i finally slowed down, only reducing to small strokes, making jimin return from moaning loudly to small purrs.

now that was something i didn't know about jimin.

his ears were sensitive as hell.

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