[ 97 ] BAD IDEA.

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kim taehyung, one of the fuckboys in school. every girl and boy has always dreamed of getting laid by him. he was super famous because of his looks. he's always been the guy who walks the school as if it's his own.

jeon jeongguk, another one of the fuckboys in school. he's the opposite of taehyung. he's the soft type of guy, and no one would see him as a fuckboy.

both boys have something similar to each other, and that is their competition skills. once they are into a game, they will become really competitive.

but the difference is the style of getting together for a one-night stand. taehyung's tactic is to make sure the girl is attached to him from the start, and that they have feelings for him. then, he will do the deed.

jeongguk's tactic is the soft way. he'll try and make the girl get all attached to him and he'll make them all soft. then, he will do the deed.

but in other words, they hate each other. they despise each other. ever since they have met one another, they've hated each other.

but taehyung has a great idea to play a game with jeongguk. they're having a competition and it was something jeongguk loved, yet hate since he has to go against taehyung.

taehyung stated, that whoever has broken the most hearts by the end of the school year, will win. yet he forgets to add one rule, which is to not break the opponent's hearts.

nevertheless, taehyung has a secret to why he started becoming a fuckboy; it was because he has his heart broken before, and he thinks it's fun to break other's hearts.

jeongguk doesn't have anything to make him a fuckboy. we may never know why he started becoming one, but for all we know, is that he became one to have fun.

but back to the present, jeongguk and taehyung were sitting face-to-face in lunch, glaring at each other.

"you gonna give up on the bet, jeon?" taehyung asks, with a lazy smirk plastered on his face.

jeongguk scoffed. "as if. i never back out off bets and games. i will win and i'm determined to do so."

"we'll see." taehyung says cockily, before standing up to leave. once he was gone, jeongguk groaned and jimin came into the view.

"what did he say?" jimin asks curiously.

"stupid dickhead," jeongguk mumbles. "he's so determined to win. it's as if he's good at this!"

"i have an idea on how you could win," jimin says. "but then i don't know if it's on the rules or not."

jeongguk's ears perked up. "what is it?"

"what about you break taehyung's heart?" jimin suggested. "he didn't say anything about that, right? but you have to make sure he doesn't know about this."

"but how am i supposed to do it? i'm not that type of guy." jeongguk asks.

"maybe find the right moment when he's vulnerable," jimin says as he snapped his finger. "find the moment when's he's super vulnerable. help him out, and then spill his secret."

jeongguk hummed. "that's a great idea, but how am i supposed to know his vulnerable secrets?"

"uh," jimin stuttered. "try spying on him? that's the easiest way to find out his secrets."

"jimin, i'm bad at spying."

"well then i can help you!" jimin squealed. "it's going to be so fun! you can be the ultimate spy and i can be the sidekick!"

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