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people would see the bright sides of bts. they would see how much fun they would have on stage and the happiness that radiates out of them.

but they don't see the bad sides of kim taehyung.

the boy who gives bright smiles to everyone, the boy who makes everyone laugh by his silly faces, the boy who is a precious gem. the boy who loves min yoongi.

taehyung doesn't understand what makes yoongi hate him, but for all he knows, is that yoongi wants to avoid him at all cost. he's absolutely hurt by this, of course, but he doesn't know what to do. all he can do from the beginning is to avoid yoongi.

he so badly wants to talk to yoongi but he doesn't know how, especially since yoongi hates his guts.

now, some of you might be wondering why taehyung likes yoongi. what taehyung can observe was that yoongi is a kind man to people he talks to. he's someone who taehyung dreams to be of; a rapper. taehyung has always looked up to him and maybe that's where things go downfall; by catching feelings.

now that taehyung has feelings for yoongi, it now hurts him that the person he looks up to, hates him a lot.

maybe it was how taehyung acted around yoongi.

maybe it's how annoying taehyung can be sometimes.

maybe it's because of his weird personality.

"tae, you okay?" jeongguk snapped taehyung out of his thoughts.

"huh?" taehyung asks, still dazed. "o-oh yeah i'm fine."

"you're crying."

taehyung quickly wipes his tears away. "n-no i'm not."

"you are, tae," jeongguk says as he sits next to taehyung. "is it because of yoongi?"

taehyung stayed quiet. jeongguk was the only person that knows about his crush on yoongi and he doesn't plan on telling anyone else.

"you need to at least talk to him, hyung. you deserve an explanation for this whole situation." jeongguk says softly.

"it's no use..." taehyung says. "he keeps avoiding me and there's no time for me to just corner him in a room alone."

jeongguk suddenly thought of a brilliant idea, but he didn't want to spoil it to taehyung. "i hope things work out for you, hyung."

taehyung nodded, not knowing what was going to come.

it was saturday and the members have their whole day off. taehyung decided that it was a good idea to be cooped up in his room and fall asleep or play video games to distract his mind from yoongi.

but fate says otherwise.

jeongguk decided to invite four of the members for a quick brunch without letting taehyung and yoongi know.

jeongguk's plan was simple; make sure that taehyung and yoongi stays at home together and sort things out while he hangs out with his other hyungs. well, of course, the others knew about this plan as well.

taehyung didn't notice that four people left the dorm when he went to the kitchen only to find yoongi drinking his coffee. he so badly wanted to ask yoongi about where the others are but he's so scared.

"if you're wondering where the others are, they left. the fucking left," yoongi says coldly, not bothering to look at taehyung.

taehyung was... shocked. yoongi hasn't talked to him ever since... god knows when. he was happy to hear the deep voice speak directly at him, even if it was said in a harsh tone.

because that's how much taehyung loves him.

taehyung stood there, awkwardly, not knowing what to do. of course, yoongi got really uncomfortable.

"what the hell are you still doing here?" yoongi asked, annoyed, but finally looks at taehyung; who was quiet. "answer me."


"speak up!"

"whydoyoualwaysavoidingme?" taehyung speaks fast, making yoongi confused as hell.

"what the fuck are you saying?"

taehyung took a deep breath and spoke slowly. "why do you always avoid me? why do you hate me?"


"hyung, i'm asking you one more time and if you don't answer... i-i'll leave you alone," taehyung mumbles. "why do you avoid me? why do you hate me?"

yoongi was speechless for a few seconds, before speaking up, "you actually think i hate you?"


"i don't hate you, tae. i avoid you because... i'm so scared that i'll fall in love with you. you're so pure and precious. i want to squish your cheeks until you push me off. i want to hold hands with you, i want to kiss your cheeks and lips until you get embarrassed. i love you, so fucking much, tae," yoongi confesses. "i-i'm sorry for acting like such a jerk this whole time. i-i understand if you don't feel the same—"

"i love you too, yoonie."

yoongi blushed. "y-yoonie?"

"th-that's a nickname i made up for you a long time ago..." taehyung says with a bright blush.


"yoonie, you don't have to apologize again. i still love you, even if you have been a jerk to me." taehyung says. yoongi then left to the couch and made grabby hands at taehyung, making the boy laugh.

yoongi is really clingy and soft once you break that cold demeanor.

they cuddled on the couch, taehyung playing with yoongi's hair, and yoongi playing with taehyung's fingers, letting out little wow's at some point. but then, they fell asleep in each other's arms.

"yes! my plan worked!" jeongguk cheered, making his hyungs coo at him.

but there was one specific person that wants to make him his boyfriend...

"koo, can i talk to you for a sec?" hoseok asks.

a/n: yeayy someone requested!! im pretty proud of this??? but if you want any changes, please do dm me or comment hehe

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