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throughout the car ride, they were both quiet except for the faint sound of the song playing.

jimin cleared his throat. "is-is this like a date or..."

he could clearly see yeonji's cheek tinted with red. "i-i don't know... w-we're just friends going to the amusement park together right?"

"y-yeah..." jimin answered.

none of them knows why they were so awkward with each other. maybe it's because of their feelings with each other.

they weren't like this usually and this scares both of them. every time jimin picks yeonji up from anywhere, they usually joke around and the car fills with laughter but now, it's just dead silent.

this seems like a date to both of them since they have never been to the amusement park together. 


they soon arrived at the amusement park. jimin purchased the tickets which yeonji kept on protesting about.

"jiminie... you know that i love rollercoasters... can we go on one first?" yeonji said. jimin smiled at the nickname she could him.

"sure. which one?" yeonji squealed and quickly point at the tallest one there is. jimin gulped before giving a small smile to yeonji.

"yeah... s-sure..." jimin mumbled. yeonji took his hand and dragged him to the rollercoaster.

jimin focused his gaze on the intertwined hands between them. he was blushing. they both did hold hands in their life a couple of times but since they have new feelings towards each other, the feeling was very different.

jimin liked the way their hands fit perfectly together. he liked seeing the sight of their hands tangled together.

yeonji suddenly let go of their hands since they arrived at the rollercoaster. jimin slightly frowned as his hands felt cold again.

"chim... i have known you for years now... you're still scared of riding these kinds of roller coasters aren't you?" yeonji asked teasingly.

jimin shook his head. "no! i am not afraid of these kinds of rollercoasters!"


"mommy!" jimin yelled as the rollercoaster spun. yeonji could only laugh and cannot scream as jimin was screaming in a funny way.

"i told you that you were still afraid of these kinds of a rollercoaster!" yeonji laughed out loud. despite jimin screaming, he could still hear the cute laughter that yeonji created. jimin smiled a little.


after the rollercoaster was finished, jimin's hair was shriveled. 

"that... was... epic... scary..." jimin's voice was hoarse from screaming too much. yeonji was clutching her stomach because of laughing too hard.


after a few rides, they decided to go on the ferris wheel before it closes.

"2 people please." jimin said. the worker smirked at them.

"a kiss at the top of the ferris wheel will make the relationship last long." the worker winked and opened the door for jimin and yeonji.

yeonji was blushing madly but jimin replied to the worker with a 'thank you' to the worker.

they both knew that they weren't dating yet but still, it seems weird for them to call themselves a couple.

the ride started moving and jimin and yeonji could see the view of busan. it was very mesmerizing for yeonji that she didn't notice jimin staring at her.

once she averted her gaze towards to jimin, she immediately blushed.

"w-why are you staring me?" yeonji asked.

"you're beautiful you know that?" jimin blurted out. yeonji's eyes widened and she blushed madly. she quickly looked away.

"i-" she felt a presence near her and by instinct, she looked at the side.

jimin's face was near her.

yeonji's breath hitched. the beautiful brown orbs were staring right back at her own. she had always admired the beautiful eyes that jimin had.

but then jimin did something that will change their lives forever...

he kissed yeonji on the very top of the ferris wheel 



right! part 7 is the last one for this dedication! i hope you liked this one! i think the last one will be longer than expected.

don't forget to comment, vote, and share!


(words: 668)

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