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owner! jimin
hybrid cat! yoongi

"min yoongi! i told you to come back here and clean this mess you made! what did i tell you? not listening to me, no games!" jimin scolded yoongi as he looked at the mess he made. again.

"i-i'm sorry-"

"no. sorry does not cut it! i told you multiple times to clean up after yourself but you never listen to me!" jimin yelled at yoongi, his hands flailing around. yoongi was immediately scared and immediately covered his head for protection.

"i-i'm sorry... i won't d-do it again, master!" yoongi immediately blurted out his old name for his previous owner; who was very abusive to yoongi.

jimin's eyes immediately soften and he quickly lowered his hands.

"oh, yoongi..." jimin sat down next to yoongi who was crying silently. he wrapped an arm around yoongi's waist and brought the boy closer.

"i-i'm sorry... i won't do it a-again... f-forgive me, master..." yoongi whimpered.

jimin motioned yoongi to sit on his lap. "it's okay, yoongi... i didn't mean it that way. i know that you're still scared of your old owner but i'm not like that. i'm different from him, yoongi. don't be scared of me, please."

yoongi sniffled and nodded stiffly. "s-sorry for making a m-mess then, jimin..."

jimin smiled. "it's okay, yoongi. but please, clean up after your mess from now on okay?"

yoongi nodded and cuddled himself on jimin's chest. "may i sleep here?"

jimin nodded and yoongi snuggled himself even closer on jimin's chest. soon, jimin heard the soft purring yoongi likes to make whenever he's sleeping.

jimin smiled as he rubbed his hand up and down yoongi's back soothingly.


as twenty minutes passed, jimin decided to wake yoongi up since if he didn't, yoongi won't be able to sleep at night.

"yoongi, baby, wake up." jimin whispers as he shakes yoongi awake (he was still lying on jimin's chest by now).

yoongi groaned but didn't open his eyes. jimin laughed but kept shaking yoongi till he wakes up.

"god, yoongi. you take so long to wake up." jimin teased and yoongi sleepily slapped jimin's forearm.

"don't you dare—" yoongi yawned. "— insult me like that! i'm a heavy sleeper! stop insulting me!"

jimin giggled and patted yoongi's back. "get up. you won't sleep at night if you don't."

yoongi groaned loudly and rolled off jimin's chest and onto the bed. his eyes began closing again but jimin started to hit yoongi's face with a pillow.

"no! don't you dare fall asleep again! i'm not going to even help you fall asleeo late at night if you can't fall asleep!" jimin exclaimed and yoongi immediately took the pillow out of jimin's hands.

yoongi immediately rose and pinned jimin down on the bed with a smirk on his face. he leaned down near jimin's face and placed his mouth near jimin's ear.

"what are you going to do now? you know very well that i'm the dominant one in our relationship. even if i keep crying because of that old jerk, you know how dominant i am with you." yoongi whispered and jimin gulped visibly.

yoongi pulled away and smiled at jimin. "i always know how to work you up."

jimin finally snapped out of his daze and glared at yoongi. "of course i know how dominant you are, but you don't even have to rub it on my face like that!"

yoongi laughed, "i don't care. now you're going to have to pay for that...

baby boy..."

a/n: hehe i hope that was... sensual(?) enough for y'all... next up will be jin and then i'll be doing normal imagines again!

but then again, yoongi's sudden mood change is unbelievable in this imagine lmao. the beginning he was all soft and clingy. then, twenty minutes later, he became... yeah that haha

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