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min yoongi. a music producer who technically has no friends at all; the thing is that he was very shy, intimidating, and gets angry very easily.

yoongi has an eating disorder which makes it hard for him to eat. plus, he has social anxiety and gets very scared once he was public. yoongi also had trouble making friends since he basically doesn't know how to introduce himself to new people.

that's why he shut himself out of the real world and decided to keep himself hidden from the world; except if he needed to buy stuff from outside then he'll need to interact.

jeon jungkook. a singer that every music company wants to recruit. he has a voice of an angel and can attract anyone just by his voice and looks. jungkook is the exact opposite of yoongi.

jungkook has no disabilities in his life. he has a perfectly normal life and has loads of friends. well, maybe around 5 close friends. jungkook has no trouble at making a friend and he's very athletic, charming, an extrovert, and basically is the person that can do anything.

as the introduction to them said, they are the exact opposite of each other.

and maybe the start of something new between them...


yoongi was currently sitting in his studio which was named 'Genius Lab'. yoongi has been working on his mixtape for some time now and doesn't get enough sleep or eat; which yoongi thinks it's perfectly normal since eating has been hard for him throughout the years.

as he was working, he got a phone call from his secretary, jimin.

"hello sir?" jimin's cheery voice came.

"what do you want?" yoongi asked, slightly annoyed that someone has interrupted him while making music.

"sir. someone's here to see you. he said that he wants you to be his... what was it again? ah right. music producer!" jimin exclaimed excitedly.

yoongi's eyes widened and his jaw dropped. "w-what? send him up right now."

"yes sir." jimin hung up the phone.

yoongi was beyond excited. he finally has someone working with him for the first time in his life being a producer.

yoongi never really tried making auditions for singers to join him but he also wanted company (besides jimin).

the boy jimin was talking about knocked on the yoongi's door and yoongi quickly straightened up, brushed his clothes, and cleared his throat.

"come in." yoongi's deep voice said. the door opened to reveal... jeon jungkook.

yoongi's mind went blank.

"jeon jungkook. the guy that every fucking company wants to recruit, wants to join me? this must be a joke." yoongi thought as he stared at jungkook.

"h-hi... i know this is sudden but m-may i audition for your-" yoongi quickly cut jungkook of.

"you don't need to! i-i mean... i saw your videos online and saw you were good enough! ya... i didn't mean it like-" yoongi quickly cut himself of from rambling to much.

jungkook chuckled lightly. yoongi immediately blushed.

"does he think i'm weird already? does he change his mind a recruiting into my company? oh no..." yoongi thought as he bit his lower lip.

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